Have to see it this afternoon. Been a Martin fan since The Jerk. And his Bowfinger was a small gem.
Dead Men and Two Brains were well done, intelligent fun that he had a writing hand in.
All of Me, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Spanish Prisoner were ones that he reached deep into adult realm. Yes had some misfires like Pink Panther stuff and his out and out farces didn't do it. Lot of credit for expanding horizons with things like Bowfinger that in a tight economy wouldn't get offered today on grounds there isn't any box office return for good 'small' movies.
At least he can get work pandering to family audience w/o alienating his hip followers. I'd like to see him get expanded offers to be in some big contemporary franchises like Bond, Avengers, or even Expendables the way
John Cleese has done. Both are physical actor/writers with a strong humor
element built in that lets them play sidekick, light villain types. Casters may
feel he's still too strongly identifiable scene stealer for that. Soon tho he may morph into that. He'd be great in the Austin Powers series in most any category - hero, villain, sidekick - instant humor.
He has a lot of work ahead where he can spin his Everyman character into the Big Corp CEO type that you love to see taken down. Things like Robocop or Avatar on up to head of Big Oil, Tobacco, Bank, Hedge Fund, or corrupt politician.