very unrealistic

...or i should say disappointingly unrealistic. Too bad they ruined a film with such a awesome crew ( norton, walhberg, statham, teron, green).
First, it seems that they already had lots of money, before they started any action against Steve (norton). I mean, buying two minis, lots of technical equipment(small cameras, wires,etc.), renting a train, and many other things.. cost very much. Maybe up to a million dollars. Ok, the gold was 27 M worth, but i assume that they invested only small part of their "savings" in this action. But if you split prize it in 5 men, each one gets 5,4.
So, it means that they were already almost, or even, milioners. Why would they risk more? Revenge on Steve? Allright, they could kick his ass, and that should level the score.
Then, idea of making theft in the middle of the day, in front of thousands of people, with three same cars?! isnt that obvious for the, lets say, police? They can track them down later very easy.
Where are the cops during chase at the end? Its like they owned the city, with no police on the streets at all, even after they made such a mess. Ridiciuous.
"Sometimes the risk is bigger than the reward". The sanctions for that mess they made (destroying public property, mad driving (in subway), mining truck, jeopardizing others life...) are extremely severe in US law. simply, it doesnt pay.
There is more, those four guys, with such a tallented skills (computer expert, explosive, driving) could earn very decent money having regular jobs. why would copmuter genius "napster" risking jail?
All in all, lots of unlogical stuff there. It could have been 10/10. This way, maximum 7, or 6/10.



There certainly were some unrealistic things such as the guys avoiding Hypothermia in that early scene or the lack of police during the whole saga. But for me it was when they drove the mini's off the train platform at high speed and landed down onto the train tracks below. You'd have thought the momentum may have carried the cars straight into the concrete wall on the other side of the track. You may have also thought the violent crash landing that would have resulted from the actions may have destroyed suspension or broke axles and caused massive damage to the body work of the Mini's. But with everyone having successfully avoided bashing the heads against the low roofs on what you would think would be a violent landing, the Mini's drove off with out a scratch. In fact they almost seemed to float down of the platform and land so gently. Was it Superhuman stunt work or embarrassingly unrealistic CGI ? LOL


But with everyone having successfully avoided bashing the heads against the low roofs on what you would think would be a violent landing, the Mini's drove off with out a scratch.

Seriously, does anyone watching the film believe that the car chase scenes were even supposed to be realistic? I don't know how many Minis were written off during the making of this film, but, for the original (1969?) movie, they wrecked something like 20 cars staging the stunts - so, no, the chase sequences are not realistic. However, if you want realism, you really shouldn't be watching escapist action adventure movies - which is all this was ever intended to be.



Agreed. Norton had only sold like $8 million worth of gold but bought an exotic car, a house, oh yeah and a freakin' helicopter.


The house could have been leased, the cars could have been pre-owned or again leased and the helicopter ain't his; He just hired it for a day.

