7.3? Criminally low

For a film this good, that score is criminal. The metascore better represents the movies quality, and the meta user score does too, but I'd have expected it to be higher on imdb! Greatest comic book movie of all time.


Oh that's great, so what's the solution to world peace and stability and eradication of diseases, All Knowing One? But you already knew I was going to ask that because you're Mr. Psychic. So why do I disagree? The freaking ARMS are the villain.


I agree. I was kind of shocked. I expected 7.6-7.8. Usually IMDb is kind of predictable in terms of user scores but this one made me do a double take... especially since the ill-received reboot has a 7.1.

After ten years or so, I've finally changed my signature!


And that's why I don't care about IMDb scores or RT scores for that matter anymore.


This film had a 7.8 about a decade ago but it’s slowly declined. Some have said it has something to do with MCU fanboys 1/10’ing the Raimi films because of their boners for Tom Holland.


I didn't like this movie that much but as long as we have immature 13 year olds who can rate movies on this site and who hate the older superhero movies like this, the first Spider-Man movie, and the old Superman and Batman movies, the ratings will be low.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


This movie was horrible and it aged really bad too. Strange how films like The Godfather is still a masterpiece with amazing acting but over time movies like this seem to get worse with bad looking CGI thanks to how advance we are today and terrible acting. Why is that?

god, there is so much cheesy screaming into the camera in this film too.


It's good but it's no Dark Knight.


The Dark Knight wasn't even about Batman, everyone mostly remembers that for Heath Ledger's Joker performance.


Agree, that's why I (been a while since I've seen them) prefer Batman Begins, because it's more about Batman.

As a batman fan I feel slightly dissapointed in TDK, and even more dissapointed in TDKR.

-*Inserting random phrase by famous madman/idiot that makes me feel intelligent*-


Thats the reason dark knight has 9 on imdb. But this movie is low rated here, and should be easily in the top 250


This movie used to have a 7.8, or at least a score in the high 7s, and it was like that for a while. Then the Amazing Spider-Man films came out, and I noticed a decrease in Spider-man 2's score, even more so when Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out. Could be a coincidence, but after seeing the obnoxious arguments the Webb fans use to defend the Amazing Spider-Man films as well as attacking the Raimi films, something tells me people just down-rated the Raimi trilogy just to make the Webb duology look good. At least the Amazing Spider-Man 2 rating went down, hopefully because people came to their senses, and I've now noticed Spider-Man 2's rating going back up, could've sworn it was a 7.1 not that long ago, and THAT was unforgivingly low.

Spider-Man 2 is a great film, and perhaps the best Spider-Man film for now. It best portrays Peter's struggle with his superhero life, his social life, and his job, which is what makes him so compelling. The writers still needed to work on his banter as Spider-Man, but the actions scenes are still great, some of the best action scenes in a superhero film along with Avengers 1-2, Winter Soldier, and Civil War.

"How would you feel about life if Death was your older sister?"


This movie used to have a 7.8, or at least a score in the high 7s, and it was like that for a while. Then the Amazing Spider-Man films came out, and I noticed a decrease in Spider-man 2's score, even more so when Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out. Could be a coincidence, but after seeing the obnoxious arguments the Webb fans use to defend the Amazing Spider-Man films as well as attacking the Raimi films, something tells me people just down-rated the Raimi trilogy just to make the Webb duology look good.

No offense but Raimi fans were hating on the first ASM movie before it was even made. When it was announced Gwen Stacy would be the love interest Raimi fans kept going on about how the movie was going to suck because they don't know or care who Gwen Stacy was and would only see the movie if Mary Jane was the love interest. They also criticize things from the actual source material like Peter being a bit more confident in his personal life. Some of them like Legendsismine were making up crap about the comics and saying said made up crap was used in the Raimi films. Which they weren't from the comics at all.

Such as people saying Peter is a shy awkward nerd who can't talk to women his age which believe it or not is completley made up for the movie. Heck, in the comics before he even gets the Spider bite he asks out a girl who rejects him. But he still asked her out. Later on only a few issues later he even starts flirting with girls. He sort of does this in that scene in the hospital with Mary Jane in Spider-Man 1 but imo it's too awkward.

But apparently you're not allowed to think the comics are better than the movies or think a film maker should do things differently than the Raimi films by making Peter more confident. Whatever. To each his own. A lot of Raimi fans are too judgemental too like Lukelovesfilm who has called people idiots for liking the Amazing Spider-Man movies.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


And while you made some good points, with some Raimi fans acting no better than the Webb fans, it doesn't change the fact that the Webb films turned out inferior, so some of their complaints had merit after all.

Sure the Amazing Spider-Man films including things like Gwen Stacy (who I was aware was the original major love interest), and had a more "confident" Peter, but the movie offered nothing substantially new to the character than what the Raimi movies already did. Peter was quite an douche, and from what I remember - and I could be wrong - Peter was never that angsty. He had bad luck, but he took it like a champ. In Amazing Spider-Man he acted like a drug addict or something, completely volatile, not to mention his "chemistry" with Gwen Stacy was infuriatingly annoying, even though Gwen Stacy herself was more likable than Raimi's Mary Jane. And the Lizard? I have never cared less for a Spider-Man villain than this movie's version of Dr. Connors. Green Goblin was campy as Spider-Man 2002 aged, but he was likable and memorable.

Then Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out, and it made all the mistakes Spider-Man 3 did, only worse. Harry Osborn had little development, becoming the Green Goblin in one film, while being portrayed by a terrible actor. James Franco's Harry Osborn had 3 movies to develop, and while his arc wasn't the focus in Spider-Man 3, his acting was generally good and his Goblin had a lot more exploration.
Electro was greatly miscast, did they really Jaimi friggin Fox could play a nerdy socially awkward dork? News flash, Jamie does not have that much range, if any. Spider-Man 3, however, actually got me to care about Sandman. One of the newbies to the Raimi series, Sandman had more depth than most Spider-Man movies villains, if not the most. Raimi got me to care more about some guy made of sand, and that's an impressive accomplishment.
And then there's Rhino. Rhino, who was such a joke he made Venom look great by comparison. At least Eddie Brock had a semblance of some arc.

The only thing I can say about the Amazing Spider-Man films that was superior to the Raimi Spider-Man films was that I liked Garfield's Spider-Man more. Not Peter Parker, Spider-Man. He was friendly, he had wit, and he was sometimes funny, I actually liked it when Peter was in costume. The Raimi films had better fight scenes, but Spider-Man wasn't witty enough.
That said, even though we only saw him for 20 minutes in Civil War, I'm already liking their Spider-Man a lot more. He's an adorkable Peter, and a hilarious Spider-Man. I'll need to see more in Homecoming, but so far he's my favorite portrayal, and the closest we have to the comics, not counting TV shows.

"How would you feel about life if Death was your older sister?"


I can see your point though I think the whole thing where he yells at Aunt May seems natural. I mean he can't just tell her, "I got Spider powers and I go around beating up criminals at night." He's upset and he doesn't know what to tell her. I can see why you didn't like that though. Also I don't see Rhino as a valid complaint. Some people might like him but he's pretty well always been a complete dummy in every story I read. He's a dumb strong character. Rhino is a pretty one dimensional villain anyway.

He's pretty well always defeated the same way by Spider-Man. He tries running at Spider-Man but Spidey jumps out of his way causing him to crash into something. And this keeps going on until Rhino wears out. I also didn't think Harry was wasted as they didn't kill him off and set him up as a villain for the next movie which never got made.

I will admit he didn't look good as the Goblin but neither did Franco or Dafoe. Hopefully Marvel will do the characters better justice at some point. I actually liked the new kid playing Spider-Man in Captain America Civil War. I've never seen him in anything else though. I admit I myself am not happy about having to retread old ground with the highschool setting in the movie next year but we'll just have to tolerate it.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


Superman The Movie has the same rating. Doesn't change the fact that it's a great movie.


Same here, its one of the best comic book movies in my opinion. Just below The Dark Knight for me, but Spiderman 2 is much closer to a superhere movie than The Dark Knight is.

In fact i would go so far as to say The Dark Knight is the best comic book adaptation of all time, but Spiderman 2 is the best superhero movie of all time. The way the film balances its story, character development, and a great villain is just amazing.

The action sequences havent aged at all and is far better than the over CGI'ed flash of todays comic book movies. And the score...the original trilogy easily has one of the most iconic scores of all time. And lets not forget how well this movie worked as a drama too. Sure theres still some camp and cheese but it does not lessen the impact of the movie, it just adds to its charm. Peter keeping secrets from Harry is still great tension, Doc Oct is still a great tragic villain/father figure, and Peter struggling with being an underappreciated hero is a great underdog story.

Spiderman 2 is filled with great moments and it never missed a beat for me. Off the top of my head, if i had to pick the top 3 comic book movies/adpatations, i would choose

1. The Dark Knight
2. Spiderman 2
3. Watchmen Directors Cut (yes i know some people really hate this movie)

So yes, the score of 7.3 baffles me. Its even lower than Watchmen, which i loved but that was a controversial/divisive movie too.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Oh yes, very undateable.
