siamese twins

The nurse from next door talked about the siamese twins that died, and indicated that one was male and one female. That can't be possible can it? Wouldn't siamese twins be identical twins?


From Wikipedia:

On rare occasions, monozygotic twins may express different phenotypes, normally due to an environmental factor or the deactivation of different X chromosomes in female monozygotic twins, and in some extremely rare cases, due to aneuploidy, twins may express different sexual phenotypes, normally from an XXY Klinefelter's syndrome zygote splitting unevenly.


To me, I thought it was lead-in to a story line that the neighbour nurse, who dying Ann likely wanted her husband to fall in love with, was delusional or a liar or worse. Anyone working OBGYN should know the story was impossible, so what was this sinister neighbour's angle? But then that story line was never pursued, so I figured it must just be that the writer was clueless about biology. The line certainly pulled viewers to places that the writer probably didn't intend them to go -- it did for me.

It's strange to me that during the months-long process of taking a book and turning it into a finished movie product, someone didn't question this point; it would have been simple to fix. Surely hundreds of people involved in the film noticed these same points and it was discussed? Just take it out if it's such a medical rarity that it would have been front page news around the world.

Talking about a boy/girl set of siamese twins takes away from the rest of the story and adds nothing to it.

To me, the neighbour could have said "...and then I got into my time machine and went back and killed Hitler..." and it would have been more plausible.

"Spock! Form an away team! You, me, Bones, Scotty and umm... Ensign Smith!"
