Canadian Accents

Here's a bizarre question, for Canadians and everyone else!
When you watch a Canadian film do you notice an accent? Do Canadians sound different than Americans, just slightly?
Here's why I ask, I'm Canadian, born and bred, I live in Markham Ontario. When I saw this movie the first time it was on t.v. and my boyfriend was flicking through the channels. Before I even looked up to see what it was I thought "Oh, this sounds Canadian", which is bizarre because I don't think of myself as having an accent, or sounding any different than most Americans, except those with southern accents. But instantly I knew it was Canadian. Any thoughts?

Even the most useless person can serve as a bad example.


I noticed the Canadian accent almost immediately but that's probably party due to me having dated a Canadian for a couple of years. But I can tell after about 3 words or less if someone is from where I grew up and live now, New Orleans. Sadly most idiot film makers seem to think us folks from New Orleans have a southern accent like, Texas or Alabama and while I'll admit it is still southern it's more of a southern + brooklyn accent. Maaaaaan when I'm in Canada it usually takes people about 1.4 seconds to figure out I'm not Canadian but then they look a little confused because I guess y'all don't here the word "y'all" very often.
