MovieChat Forums > Tears of the Sun (2003) Discussion > Who was your favourite S.E.A.L. and why?

Who was your favourite S.E.A.L. and why?

I think that Red was my favourite seal because he always seemed to be the one who was fighting or doing something. In addition, I always thought that he was presented to be the best.

Although i have to admit that i also liked Lake's character.

Who was your favourite seal and why?


Red (Cole Hauser) definitely..


I really want to love LT because Bruce Willis is simply badass but i don't really like his development through out the movie. I like him when he is cold and 'just following order', when he let Dr. Kendrick's hug out and say 'please hurry ma'am', that is just total badass!

And because of that i pick Lake, he's the most badass looking SEALs in this movie and he's sporting a shotgun!

I really love this squad, it's the most awesome military squad in the history of war movie. Someone really need to make a shooter game based on them.
