MovieChat Forums > Runaway Jury (2003) Discussion > Good movie but lousy message

Good movie but lousy message

Whether you agree or disagree with gun control, what exactly was the grounds for the lawsuit. Yea they sold the guns to the guy who shot the people, but how does that make them neglegent? How would they know he would use the gun to kill people? Some guy even made the argument how some people kill other people with cars on purpose, and no one tries to sue the automobile company over that. Never heard a good rebuttal when that was brought up. If you dont like the gun laws, try to get them changed, but suing someone for doing something that was perfectly legal I have a problem with.


perhaps you are starting to clue into the message with tragedies like Newtown and Aurora that have transpired; limiting the number of, and kinds of, guns in our society. making the gun manufacturers responsive to how their products are used. at this rate we'll all own bazookas and rocket launchers, why not, right? Interesting that this movie was made 10 years ago and the message is now more important than ever. if we had begun making changes years ago things would be better. limit who can get them and limit the number of bullets in a clip. just give me a chance to run for it y'know. in the automotive industry safety is a mandated and driving force. the car manuf. are working for a safer product. their product is made for driving to and from, guns are made to shoot people. consider this analogy; you buy a gun to protect you from someone with a gun. like saying you are buying a faster car to get away from a criminal with a fast car. at some point someone needs to come up with a speed limit and then enforce it.


tragedies brought about by criminals performing criminal activities with legal tools. this is nothing new. this is nothing that can be prevented. One cannot take away the tools a criminal uses.
I see no reason to limit the firepower that defends our country because a few people choose to use weapons illegally and irresponsibly.

A person has a right to defend himself from a criminal or an army. Whether that person chooses to use a slingshot or an automatic weapon with a 100-round clip is irrelevant. My only concern arises when that person uses it in aggression rather than defense.
There's no good reason to cripple the defender when it is the offender who needs to be thwarted.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Buy a terrorist manual and see how far you get. In Guantanamo Bay with the author and publishers.

Its that man again!!




This film adaptation was very political and predictable. Lots of wasted talent in this movie.



Something being legal doesn't make it right.


Would you gun nuts just suck a muffler already? If you love death so much, why don't you embrace it and let the rest of us live in some peace? You are turning this world into an f-ing Mad Max movie with your sick and twisted love of a MURDER WEAPON.


Get off it.

You're rooting for the bad guy in this. You ARE the bad guy in this thread.

Love is like breathing. You have to take some in and let it out to live.


It's more like other way around - tighter gun control is by all means a good thing, but the way this movie gets this message across, is both heavy-handed and half-arsed. It's such a simplistic sermon that sees everything in terms of good guys versus bad guys and never really goes into any of the gray areas or various nuances involved, thus failing to make the courtroom drama in any way engaging or insightful. And it doesn't fare any better as a thriller, either, being rather unbelievably far-fetched, lacking any real suspense and arriving at a pat conclusion. The acting may be pretty good, especially by Hackman who somehow manages to bring his one-dimensionally evil spin doctor to a semi-believable life, but it's all wasted on this ridiculous project.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
