If we're talking about a more faithful adaptation to the comics series, then I think Gerard Butler and Jason Isaacs are out as Quartermain - in my opinion. Both would be too powerful, too much of action heroes to work right for the faded adventurer that Moore and O'Neill envisioned.
I'd go with Ben Kingsley for Quartermain.
Your suggestion of Rebecca Ferguson does look the part for Mina, but I like HarlemEagle's choice: Michelle Dockery.
Nemo in the comics was portrayed as very much an Indian Hindu, and I think the film should honour that. Honestly, with hair and makeup, I don't think the original actor, Naseeruddin Shah, has aged out of it and he did a smashing job.
I'd cast Jekyll and Hyde with different actors. I like the idea of Daniel Radcliffe for Jekyll, but he's a bit young, so I'd go with Jude Law, I guess? I think he'd be good. Tom Hardy for Hyde, using camera tricks to make him look massive.
Brannagh is a great choice for M!
I do like the "Bond connection" you have, but I'd probably cast Mark Hamill.