Best Star Trek movie?

People have been arguing about this:

But if you take the French, and turn them Romulan. If you pretend Galapagos is a planet, and that Dr. Maturin is this combination of Spock and Bones, this is actually a really good Star Trek movie.

What do you guys think?


That's... new.

Wait, people have been arguing about this?


Yeah, since at least, 2009...people were saying GalaxyQuest and Master and Commander were better Star Trek alternatives than JJ Trek. But, that's how some people are, I guess.


I don't know why they did not make a sequel to this film. The box office was better than average. I remember seeing it in the theater, mostly an over 50 crowd. Maybe they could not agree on $$$ with R Crowe.


They probably felt like it wasn't enough money to justify a sequel, I know an entire franchise was probably planned.


I heard it about GalaxyQuest, and about The Orville. But Master and Commander... that's new...


try it out, watch this movie thinking it's Star Trek in the olden times, and you'll see it


Oh i've noticed this for sure.





Star Trek was partly based on the Hornblower books, another series about the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars.


Except that isn't a plot? As soon as you move past the basic element of a location and the idea that there is a pursuit, and there are hundreds of pursuit movies, it wouldn't work as a star trek movie.


For me the best one is and remains to be the very first one they made in 1979.
The storyline of Voyager coming back to earth with a massive upgrade is a sci-fi masterpiece and given the limited special effects they had in the 70s it was extremely well made.
