Would it have killed Weir to put in a female character or two?
Or a minority for that manner?
The ENTIRE film was just a bunch of white men?!?!
Or a minority for that manner?
The ENTIRE film was just a bunch of white men?!?!
OP is racist. LOL.
Hilarious to read racists rattle on and on.
There is at least one black guy in the cast. Women weren't allowed on ships. I was super excited that the movie doesn't have some stupid side story about a love interest. The books have them. This story does not. It's all at sea.
shareWeir's point in making the movie apparently wasn't to check off woke boxes.
shareROTFL!!! The movie is set onboard a British ship in the early 1800's. How many women did the British Navy have on ships at the time? Or non-whites? Please.
shareas it should be. this was a military ship not a slave ship. it would be historically inaccurate and been retarded to add minority. this film was made in 2003 when the anti white revisions of history were not mainstream like they are today. 2003 was a normal time and place, not modern day clown world 🤡
shareThere was plenty of minorities, the black servant ( the guy Killit (sp.?) says "for god sake's don't drop anything") , a young black kid at the dinner table with the other kids.. other black men on the deck...!