Gun free zone once again prevents a horrific mass murder from....
.....OH WAIT...NO IT DIDN'T. SHOCK-A-****ING-ROO!!!!!!!!!!!!
If somebody in that club had been carrying a gun, and knew well how to do it, imagine the dozens of lives that might have been saved. But nobody did. They were sheep to be slaughtered by a hateful, mindless piece of human garbage. Why did they have no armed security? Why did they declare it a 'gun free' zone if they weren't going to rigorously enforce it? Did they really expect that having a cute little sign that says 'gun free zone' would prevent a murderous lunatic from doing what murderous lunatics do? NO. They should have had an armed security guard on the premises trained to deal with situations like this. OR, allowed the other patrons to carry guns to do the same. Would have provided a strong deterrent factor, which may have prevented the shooting from ever happening to begin with. Or, if it did happen, it may have been mitigated due to an armed patron neutralizing the shooter. But no. They were defenseless, and because our government refuses to address the REAL problems in America, this ***wipe killed 50 innocent people, and shattered thousands of lives. Atop that, his actions will encourage other bigoted, hateful pieces of garbage, to do the same thing.
This will never ****ing end until liberal America wakes up and sees the world for what it is, rather than what they'd like it to be. You really think we won't see this same kind of **** under a Clinton/Sanders presidency?
Anybody who tries to frame this disaster within the context of advancing 'gun control' is living in the ****ing sky. The answer to this kind of savage barbarism can only come from American muslims themselves. THEY need to stand up, en masse, and without reservation condemn this heinous bull****. They need to stand in solidarity with the LGBT community, which has been devastated, and proclaim in a LOUD and PUBLIC voice that ANYBODY who supports, or advocates these kinds of actions will NOT be accepted by the muslim community of the United States. They need to actively root out this hateful ideology that so many of their young men and women embrace, and stamp it out of existence. Our political leaders need to hound the Muslim leaders of America to advance that cause. Until they do, and until Muslims stand up and put an end to this hateful bigotry that their faith (or at least their adherents) teaches, Muslims will NEVER be accepted as a full-fledged part of the fabric of America. This CANNOT happen. Until Islam changes its hateful ways, they will never be trusted, and will never be embraced by Americans at large. Forever in the fringe of American culture will they remain.
This disgusting piece of mongrel **** that committed this barbarous crime should have had 15 seconds at the VERY most before somebody decent started to shoot back at him. But because of ****y liberals who are afraid of guns and don't understand their true purpose and their deterrent power, he had all the ****ing time in the world to murder innocent people through the hateful bigotry that Islam teaches to so many of its adherents. This must end. Gun control will NOT do that. America does not have a gun problem. America has a culture problem (many of them actually) that is exacerbated by the presence of gun rights. Taking away gun rights, won't solve the other problem, which is far more serious. Fixing the culture, will render the gun problem moot. ****ING FIGURE THIS OUT LIBERAL AMERICA!!!!!!!