3.5 out of 10 is a joke!

How the hell can any sane person give this movie over 1 out of 10???!!!

This is without a doubt one of the worst movies I have ever seen, It's complete and utter waste of film, evergy and above all else, time.

Someone else rented it and I got to see for free and I still felt ripped off. The script sounded like it was written by a twelve year old. The plot... LOL that word doesn't apply to this trash. Action/fight scenes were lame matrix wannabe rip-offs. Acting was worse than Hayden Christensen. I'm still upset I wasted 2 hours on it, every 5 min, when I was going to turn it off, I foolishly thought it was going to get better. Big mistake. I hope the director learns from this colosul mistake he made with this movie and improves his work, that is if they decide to hire him again.


"Acting was worse than Hayden Christensen" Why does everyone always rip on Hayden Christensen? he's not a bad actor. there a thousands of crappy movies out there with some horrible actors/actresses way worse then hayden


"Acting was worse than Hayden Christensen" Why does everyone always rip on Hayden Christensen? he's not a bad actor. there a thousands of crappy movies out there with some horrible actors/actresses way worse then hayden


This guy is a better actor than Hayden Christensen.


Hayden Christensen is one of the worst things that ever happened to film. True, there are worse actors out there, but this one keeps getting work in big-budget films. Maybe we should have the casting agents' heads examined. Or removed.
Michael Moore, if you ever show up at my house with a camera, I'll kill you.
-Clint Eastwood



should give it less than 3.5 or more than 9.this is a stupid movie and banderas disappointed me....even my hotty lucy liu

do you know what do they call bigmac in france? LE bigmac!!! Pulp Fiction


Any person who gives a 1 to movies like these obviously never saw an actual 1-worthy movie in their lives.
Mediocre? Yes. The worst? No.

"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."


I saw it today on TV and thought it was okay. It actually got me hooked, so I was turning back and forth between ice skating and this movie. True, the acting wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. I would actually rate it around a 5 or 6.




yeah its just a fun action film I would give it a 6.6 good action and fun plot


Sorry, if action alone, its not no 6.6. One category out of a few, does not make it a higher or even mediocre rating. If I did that on my 5 star rating on my website, it would not be even half the five stars. Especially if you have 5 categories, and only one is a topped out of them. Actually, you can't come up with 5 categories for this movie or it would mess up the votes or rating anyways. Especially if you watched it on TV. Most of the stuff is cut out.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


The acting from Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu were good and the plot wasn't too bad plus stuff like kiss of dragon or Mercury Rising get 6.6 both mindless but fun action films it's unfair that this fun action gets a 3.6 just 0.3 away from spice world. now which would you Rather watch this or that. I would give this a 6.0

