3.5 out of 10 is a joke!
How the hell can any sane person give this movie over 1 out of 10???!!!
This is without a doubt one of the worst movies I have ever seen, It's complete and utter waste of film, evergy and above all else, time.
Someone else rented it and I got to see for free and I still felt ripped off. The script sounded like it was written by a twelve year old. The plot... LOL that word doesn't apply to this trash. Action/fight scenes were lame matrix wannabe rip-offs. Acting was worse than Hayden Christensen. I'm still upset I wasted 2 hours on it, every 5 min, when I was going to turn it off, I foolishly thought it was going to get better. Big mistake. I hope the director learns from this colosul mistake he made with this movie and improves his work, that is if they decide to hire him again.