Worst...movie...EVA R.

Yeah, this is by far the worst piece of filth I've ever had to experience.


Made the worst mistake of RECORDING this film when it came on TV to watch later. We were trying to understand what the Producers were thinking ..."yeah, got plot outline but that will only make up 20 minutes of film. I know what, we'll pad it out with meaningless car chases (yawn), lots of pyrotechnics (double yawn) and then at the end we'll blow up all of the baddie army ...who by the way will all walk together in nice tight groups straight into the traps so the good guys get to kill 5 at a time. You've got a film". Come on Hollywood, stop wasting millions of dollars and our time on rubbish like this!



If you seriously think that this is the worst movie ever...watch Going Overboard with Adam Sandler.

"I am the one and only, the beginning and the end. I am...Greatness....Personified!" (TM)



There's bad, there's awful, then there's Ecks vs Sever.


Ecks thinks he's seen his wife get blown up. His wife thinks she's seen Ecks blown up. They spend the next five years thinking each other is dead. How does that work? If they're married, surely they're sharing a house together. So what happened? Did Ecks just never go home any more? Did he go straight to that bar we find him in at the beginning of the film and sit there for five years?

And considering that most vehicles in this film explode into smithereens if you so much as look at them the wrong way, wasn't Sever taking a bit of a risk freeing Ecks from that prison van by firing a rocket launcher at it? Could she not just have shot the tyres out? Or created a roadblock? Or maybe jumped onto the van armed with with a circular saw and taken the roof off? Jeez - anything would have been more sensible than the option she chose.

If I ever get taken prisoner, I hope no-one tries to free me by firing a rocket straight at me. I'd rather just serve my time, thanks all the same.



I thought rollerball and tomb raider 1 and 2 was the wost movies ever

Racist Chuck Norris!


There dozens far worse movies than this

Some Examples:

Little Man
Just about anything with steven Segal
Anything done by Uwe Boll
Baby Geniuses
Baby Geniuses 2
Son of the Mask
Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector
Date Movie


this movie blows so much it actually sucks



I have only 5 words to say...


now i will shut up and sit back


No, it is not the worst movie ever made.
Go watch something so awful that you'd rather play Russian Roulette, then we'll talk.
And making 1000 "OMG TIZ MOVIE IZ TEH WORST" threads is pathetic.

"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."



Like the last Twilight movie?
