*beep* 'J' 'C'!"??? The movie was awesome until I was forced to change the channel. Why would they ruin a good movie with that one line - not to mention the other racial slurs; sitting in prison, anyone would recant those statements, I would hope.
Why does it matter that he says that? It aren't your words, are they? So who gives a rat's behind what he says. If that's his opinion, then let him have it. Why do people have so much trouble with others saying things they think are unethical. I don't care about what other say, just as long as they allow me to say whatever 'I' want to say...
It's all this PC crap that makes that scene offensive. He was just being human. He was pissed off at the world and then finally gave himself the blame. Most of us say a lot of things that can be considered offensive when we're by ourselves or around friends and family while we rant and rave. It's really annoying when people say "That was offensive" or "I was offended". That's life--people do and say offensive things.
But saying f.u. to the Savior, whatever the intention in the end, IS blasphemy. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Ed Norton, and I thought this movie was amazing ant that his f.u diatribe was very moving, but it would have been just as convincing without this attempt to alienate the 1/3 of the population who believe in and worship Jesus Christ as our Lord.
"But saying f.u. to the Savior, whatever the intention in the end, IS blasphemy"
So what? We should pretend that the character in the movie didn't have thoughts like that, or more importantly, people in the real world don't have thoughts like that because you find it offensive? And even if it was shown to be wrong?
It's like saying you enjoyed Silence of the Lambs until it advocated skinning women. Buffalo Bill was the bad guy. And the Monty in the mirror was the bad guy. I hate to put it in such terms, but I feel like I have to speak in black and white. The Monty in the mirror was a manifestation of all his rage and his attempts to place blame on everyone but himself. Everything and everyone. Everything! As in everything in existence, not things you consider ok to insult but then drawing a line where you think there should be one.
And no, it wouldn't have been just as moving without that part. And not just for me, the fact that you feel so offended should add to it as well, try to picture how troubled and distraught he must be to say something like that.
it's also only really blasphemy if monty himself believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God etc. If he doesn't, then there's nothing really wrong with him saying it.
blasphemy etc all depend on your particular metaphysical or religious belief structure
If a christian was to say that Christianity is the only true religion and all other faiths/religions are wrong, this would be in essence in accordance to their beliefs. However, to a Muslim or a Sikkh etc this could be seen as blasphemy as it goes against their beliefs.
It's all dependent on your own personal position and/or belief as to whether or not you see this scene as blasphemous. However, you cannot say that it IS blasphemy, simply that you believe it to be. Afterall, all religions are based on belief, not exact facts, so any number of them could be wrong or right.
I understand that certain things can be offensive to certain people, and this is no exception. I have to point out, though, that it is a movie. He was not saying it to you, or to anyone you know. He was in the midst of a rant, in the midst of a movie, in which it was very relevant. I just can't wrap my mind around being offended by a fictional character's fictional dialog. The entire rant, that part included, helped the viewer understand the character. If films cut out every little thing that might be offensive to anyone, the entire film industry would be a barren wasteland, not to mention boring. It was to present the world in a certain way to present the story. Remember that most villains are always doing offensive things. Are you offended that the Evil Fairy poisoned poor Sleeping Beauty? Would you cut Hitler out of all the WWII documentaries?
Let me get this straight. You had absolutely no problem with a film that has a drug dealer as its hero, but are so absolutely pole-up-your-butt about religion that you found a five-second comment about "JC" so offensive that you could watch no further?
Edward Norton did an amazing job. But when it got to the Asian part - the Korean part - I was stunned, and saddened. Because so many people feel that way - but I also, didn't think it was so horrible UNTIL it got to a part about myself, I'm Korean. The JC part did stun me as well, but as you watch the FILM, you realize what he's trying to do. And in the end, he tells himself to go f off b/c he realizes it's all his fault.
And not the jews, the russians, the koreans, the muslims...although he wishes he could blame it on Al-Queda, Osama Bin Laden - he did this ALL to himself.
It was an awesome scene. One you should have watched all the way through to understand. Sometimes we have to watch things we don't like to learn. What you did was judge. And I find that most of the Christian people I know, are the ones that judge the most. And that's the truth. Just like most Korean communities I know, speak their own language and choose not to learn English.
Something that makes my Korean mother and myself very angry about. I cringed when I heard that. Because it was the truth, but not the whole truth. The stereotype is a true overgeneralization. Just like it is of Christians. We are told in the bible that we should not judge - but Christians make the most judgements of all. You should have left the channel where it was.
im christian. i watched this movie and enjoyed it. that one scene i liked. i could of done without the f jc thing. but i understood it. cause i understood why he said it. he was blaming everyone for his problems and in the end admitted it was his fault. and everything thats said is all something everyone thinks about and has said around their friends. so im not naive. but i do get offended when someone states their opinion and another person responds with anger and hate. we dont go around bashing non believer..by the way real christians dont do that..real chrstians will show their disapproval on somethin.but still have love for the person and not attack..and should not show anger or hate towards anyone..thats not at all what jesus was about. so please dont group all christians with the crazy extremist out there. and another thing if you wanna say that you dont believe in somethin. just say that. when you go off saying things like jesus was an imaginary friend your just taking a shot at us. you can say you dont believe but dont attack it..i dont say things like non believers are just scared of anything bigger than their existence. im sorry im just trying to prove a point. i love imdb and these message boards..i just get tired of all the ignorance and anger on these things. one person cant state an opinion without someone else calling them names and attacking. if you re that pissed off at the world that your going to attack someone on a movie message board.maybe you need a lil jesus...peace
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
lol. you're god is my joke. guess it's time to change the channel again. man i hate you people like that. its ok to say anyhting til its your belief. what self centered fools. you make me sick for the human race cuz there are so many like you: proudly ignorant!
The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when youre uncool
I don'te see why someone can't say *beep* J.C. if he said *beep* Budha, you wouldn't care just because Christ is your particular savior doesn't mean he can't go ef himself
Get over it and finish the movie you little bitch. What he said about him was true anyway jesus got off easy, a while on the cross compared to seven years of mental/phisical abuse, combined with a daily ass raping.
i cant believe im even responding to this. the whole FU scene is what one character in a movie is saying. thats it! thats not the message of the movie. this movie isn't bashing christianity. i hear blasphemy on a daily basis, my college football coach was a master of it but i didnt let it bother me. in todays world how are people so sheltered???
the bean-2 You obviously have never been in a seriously emotional situation. The rant was just that. I recall in Vietnam and Korea people ranting in a similar way. If you ever have a very serious emotional problem in your life you may be surprised what will come out of your mouth. How old are you if you don't mind my asking?
*beep* Jezus and *beep* God to. All a bunch of fairytales. People live and they die. That's it. I am technicaly raised as a Christian but I don't believe in any of it. So I do not even feel a bit offended.