Yeah, it's one of my favorite movies also as i can say it's within my Top 33 movies right now simply because there is only 33 movies i scored a 9 or 10 (eleven 10/10's and twenty-two 9/10's). i gave 25th Hour a 9/10.
it's easily Edward Norton's best movie as nothing else he's been in is even close to 25th Hour (2002) (for the record... i think Fight Club is one of the most overrated movies on IMDb as that movie is below average/borderline failure if you ask me). it's easily Spike Lee's best movie and is my #2 movie of 2002 behind Road to Perdition (10/10 ; within my Top 11 movies).
p.s. for the record... there is currently 209 movies i gave a 7/10 or higher out of the 2,000+ total movies i have seen. so i am not a person who routinely hands out super high scores like some do for whatever that's worth. i like 6/10 range movies but it's 7's and higher that stand out from the pack. so if i count my 6/10's and higher that total rises to roughly 575 movies. everything else (i.e. 5/10's and lower)... is a Thumbs Down simply because they have no re-watch value as i won't give a movie a positive score unless it's a movie i want to re-watch from time to time.
I just rewatched this for maybe the 10th time or so.
i am not sure how many times i have re-watched 25th Hour but i know since Dec 27th 2011 to date i have re-watched it twice... Feb 2nd 2014 and Oct 31st 2016.
but to take my best guess on how many total times i re-watched 25th Hour i would guess somewhere around 5+ times, but probably less than 10 times.
but speaking of re-watching movies... i try to re-watch all of my favorite movies (which is currently 209 movies(i.e. all of the movies i gave a 7 or higher)) at least once every few years or so with some being re-watched once every couple of years or so. i still re-watch my 6/10 range movies here and there but i suspect the majority of these could be at least 4-5+ years in between re-watches, especially after i have seen the movie twice. because i might see a movie twice within a shorter time period (i.e. the initial viewing and then the first re-watch) but after that i generally stick to what i was saying here with the whole 2-3 years or so rule as after i have seen a movie twice i won't re-watch it more than once a year especially because i have seen plenty of movies and i don't want to re-watch a movie too often within a short period of time.
p.s. Dec 27th 2011 is when i started logging ALL movies i see as i did it for curiosity sake to see how long it's been since i last re-watched specific movies and to see other things like how many movies i average per week etc.
It's not just about how good the story is or how meaningful it is. It's all about how it is done.
Yeah, as like i always say... it's not about doing something new or original but taking a idea that's already been done and doing it well. that's how i see movies as a whole.
something about 25th Hour just really works (the score of the movie helps boost it a bit to). it provokes some sort of emotional responses in me which is not easy for a movie to do to any higher degree. because i feel overall enjoyment of movies in general comes back to some sort of emotional responses they give you.
with that said... some genres are more interesting than others though as some movies you can tell won't be anything special before seeing them given the subject matter of them. so i don't really care how complex or fancy a story is it it fails to provoke some solid emotional responses from me in one way or another then it really won't matter.
This is also why I didn't oppose to a film like The Departed, a great, but routine thriller, winning Best Picture.
i used to think that was great but on a recent viewing, while it's still within my Top 209 movies, it's lost most of it's magic for me as it was a 10/10 for years and now it's a 7/10 for me as while it's still solid it's nothing amazing anymore.
basically... The Departed on my initial viewing, while i liked it, i was a bit disappointed but then after a while it great stronger because of the characters etc and it became top notch for me for years until a recent viewing on Oct 9th 2016 and while it's still amongst my Top 209 movies, like i mentioned above, it's no longer amongst the cream of the crop for me like it was for years.
My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =