a bad show...

ive heard it appeals to real cops cause the lingo is so realistic.. Other then that. the forced "look how gritty and real this is" is cringe. Even though its totally unrealistic a would never happen.


The thing about The Wire is that little details and minor characters DO matter.

The forged note leads to Bubbles' friend (I forget his name: the white guy in the hat) getting a kicking, and leads to Bubbles becoming a CI, which is a major part of his storyline.

If you'd given the show more of a chance, you would have seen that.


poor attempt at trolling


It's not a bad show, in fact it's above average. I wouldn't call it the best of all time though. It's not even the best in HBOs catalog.


I retired from law enforcement after 32 years. When this show came out I refused to watch it as I never watched "cop" shows on TV. After I retired someone else told me that I really needed to watch it.

After the 3 episode, I honestly thought they had hidden cameras at my department and the show was based off of that. I was amazed at everything in this show. The back stabbing among the officers rank and command, the politics associated with each position, the drug dealers the press. Everything was so spot on it is/was uncanny.

After 31 years from going from a green rookie to 1 of 4 deputy Chiefs of Police, my duties and responsibilities changed throughout my career and as a result..I was most of the police characters in this show. Starting out, I never thought I would be but that doesn't matter, responsibilities change and you become a different person/officer over the years.

Unfortunately like McNaulty....After my 31 years, I retired and after looking back, I don't believe I made a single difference in the world. Although I had some of the best, worst, scariest and funniest times in my life...at the end of the day, It was a wasted career.
