MovieChat Forums > The Wire (2002) Discussion > What was the most amusing scene, and mos...

What was the most amusing scene, and most disturbing scene

Most amusing; when Mayor Carcetti makes a surprise visit to parks/recreation, parking and water/power.
Brilliant maneuver

Most disturbing; I haven't finished the series yet. Only at season 4 ep 11, but thus far, when the kid has his own father beat to death...and anything involving Felicia..just knowing she's a convicted murderer...I wonder if any of her coworkers got the creeps working with her. I'll bet the props dept worked overtime making sure any gun in her hand was a fake..right up to the moment she pulled the trigger. How many times did the supporting actors flinch when she shot at them


Most amusing:

That scene with the guy begging Chris and Snoop not to kill him and leave his body in one of those vacants because he wanted his family to be able to give him a nice funeral.

Bird getting his ass whooped in the interrogation room.

Omar testifying against Bird and then taunting him afterward and Bird's reaction.

Snoop buying the nail gun.

Herc, Caver and Prezbo going to the towers to try to intimidate those people and then they flipped it on them and started throwing TV's and other junk at them from their windows.

Most disturbing:

Wallace getting shot.

All of those dead females found in the tank that had died of suffocation. That's terrible. That scene almost gave me a panic attack, just thinking about it.

That girl slicing the other girl's face in the class room.

I woke up this way...


Most amusing
Snoop buying the nail gun

Most disturbing
Bubbles walking around Hamsterdam. Looking in the row houses. seein the one addict lady pimp out her daughter for some vials.

" Tell me mom...when your little girl's on the slab...where will it tickle you?"


Most Amusing: McNulty infiltrating the whore house in Season 2, and ends up in a 3 way while undercover.


Most amusing: HAS to be the season 1 *beep* scene. I was in stitches the whole time. Somehow Mcnulty and the Bunk manage to carry an entire 7 minute scene saying nothing other than variations of the word *beep* all while effectively conveying the story being told by their crime scene. Brilliant and surreal scene.

Most disturbing: Marlo's sadistic pleasure during Prop Joe's execution. That or Rawls in the gay club.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" "I'm a locksmith...and I'm a locksmith."


Most amusing; when Mayor Carcetti makes a surprise visit to parks/recreation, parking and water/power.
Brilliant maneuver

That showed he really cared and sincerely wanted to clean up Baltimore and not maintain the status quo like his predecessors. That is what makes the budget decisions he makes later even more tragic. His high minded ideals of reform went out the window when faced with an entrenched bureaucracy. As much as he cared and wanted to change things for the better, he ended up having to play the same game of shuffling the budget around to maintain just enough status quo to keep the city from collapsing.

My most amusing: The FBI profile scene where they describe McNulty's character:

"The suspect is most likely a white male in his late twenties to late thirties, who is not a college graduate, but feels superior to those with advanced education, and is likely employed in a bureaucratic entity, possibly civil or public service. He has a problem with authority and a deep-seated resentment for those that have impeded his progress professionally. The sexual nature of the killings is thought to be a secondary motivation and the lack of DNA or saliva in the bite marks suggests possible postmortem staging. He may be struggling with lasting relationships and potentially a high functioning alcoholic with alcohol being used as a trigger in the crimes. The suspect’s apparent resentment of the homeless may indicate a previous personal relationship with a homeless person or the targeting may simply be an opportunity for the killer to assert his superiority and intellectual prowess."

and the look on his face was priceless.


off the top of my head....

most amusing: "Like a 40 degree DAY!"

and when Clay Davis barged into Royce's office raging because Sidnor served him with a subpoena haha

Most disturbing: Bodie's end breaks my heart every time I see it, and Dukie shooting up almost caused me to cry.
