Things that were spoiled for you
I was so careful not to accidentally look at spoilers and completely avoided this board and anything to do with this show until after I watched the finale, which was extremely difficult because I was so desperate to talk about it. Bit anyway, just wanted to know of any of you knew some spoilers going in or were spoiled whilst watching the show.
For me it was
- Stringers death at the end of Season 3, I don't even remember how, I think I was looking up someone's name from the show and then "who killed Stringer Bell" came up on Google like wtf? I was so pissed.
- Carcetti becoming Mayor, wasn't really confirmed a spoiler but after seeing him on the cover for S5 I kind of expected him to win the election
- Valchek becoming Commissioner, which wasn't a big deal really but it made the whole sub plot of Season 5 pretty pointless for me.
Anyway I don't think that's too bad considering how popular The Wire is, im just glad I wasn't spoiled for Omar's death, even though you could sort of see it coming. But the way he died was completely unpredictable.
“If one devalues rationality, the world tends to fall apart.” - von Trier