This summer will be my 9th season marching in high school and college marching band, winter drumline and drum and bugle corps. I was and still am thoroughly insulted by this movie whenever I see it. the hornline is disgusting, both in their musicianship and posture. The drumline had clarity issues all throughout the movie, sometimes in mind numbingly simplistic cadences or passages. Plus it was obvious that few people knew what they were doing, in their visual inaccuracy to be united.
I'm sorry for any and all of you out there who have never experienced competitive marching. My first year in college, I went from a competitive highschool to a pep band marching band, and I felt disgraced. There was no point to my presence at football games. I got no credit for the effort and work I put in, which was no where near the effort put in in drum corps. And there was no focus on efficiency of marching style and musicianship musically. the music we played was meant to entertain, not to challenge us musically.
The point to my little tyrad is that yes this movie is a good likeness of one part of marching band. The part, however, that it represents is the less respectable, less challenging, simplicity of an activity. No wonder the general public doesnt understand competitive marching band or Drum Corps, movies like this only tarnish and destroy our causes, talents and efforts.