im done!

Im done, i just saw this film and im done with american horror. Give me Edgar Wright cos you guys suck....................really. Its just the way it is. Prove me wrong.


This movie is six years old. Grow up and get over it.


thanks mate.


i hear you buddy, americans suck at pretty much everything. especially horror


only shakespeare shud be allowed to make movies and only hugh grant be allowed to act..that wud fix ur problem buddy...

Don't judge me based on your ignorance


Man, that us some funny gear, I pissed myself for a good five minutes. Nice


The Americans make some pretty good movies...Granter, a lot are silly, but that's often the kind of film you want. Also, Edgar Wright does comedy, not horror. Maybe understand what genre you're trying to insult next time. I really hate the British people that think their films are somehow better because they attempt to do things on a more intellectual level sometimes.
For the guy who said Americans can't do horror....The Shining, Psycho, Hatchet, Freddy/Jason/Michael/Chucky films, Hostel, Saw, The Dead Series, The Exorcist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre....Do I need to go on. Because I could. For quite a while.

What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here


Saw was Australian with US actors and the rest are more than 10 years old.
That was the piont.


In what way are Hostel and Hatchet over 10 years old?

What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here


Hey idiot, The Shining was directed by Stanley Kubrick (BRITISH). Psycho was directed by Alfred Hitchcock (BRITISH).


Stanley Kubrick is most assuredly AMERICAN. Born in New York City, relocated to London later in life.

"Buy the ticket, take the ride." --Raoul Duke, the great shark hunter


if anything the badness of the movie should have scared you man.

I've been to paradise but I've never been to me.
"My father? He saved us all."


It did! It scared him away from every watching another yankee horror movie again! :D

"Feeling Stupid? I know I am!" - Homer J. Simpson


If Edgar Wright is all you have to fight with, I suggest you leave and come back better armed.

Although I do agree this movie sucked.


To the OP -- good, because Amurrka doesn't like smug, uptight asses like you anyway. Piss off.


Fair nuff.


Cabin Fever isn’t a work of genius or anything, but it sure beats the hell out of Shaun of the Dead! What the hell makes that movie so popular anyway? It’s just a generic zomedy movie that’s not funny.


I wrote that a looong time ago and since Ive taken it back, there are some american horror gems, Im just a bit sick of formula, or at least I was then. Its the characters that make Shaun, those guys are real people, geeks that are dealing with the situation badly, the same way we do at work or whatever every day. It didnt just bring a new formula, it put us in the film. Maybe its a commonwealth thing, but if you are a fan of english comedy, you will get it. Take a look at Little Britain or Spaced-THE best tv show for geeks ever made, and then go back and have a look at Shaun.
I didnt mean to offend anyone, I was just sick of the American horror formula at the time. Then Saw came along. Wait those guys were Australian. Well at least the sequels are a bit dumb.
Be good to each other.


Nah, Shaun of the Dead was good. Not sure where you're from, but it's easier to get if you're British. Hot Fuzz was better in my opinion, though.

What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here


Cabin Fever isn’t a work of genius or anything, but it sure beats the hell out of Shaun of the Dead! What the hell makes that movie so popular anyway? It’s just a generic zomedy movie that’s not funny.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, OMG my sides are hurting. I liked Shaun of the Dead. I take it you've never watched the TV series "Spaced", because it all comes from that show. If you don't get where the comedy is coming from I guess it isn't very good. Also if you are watching Shaun of the Dead because you think it's one of those "of the dead" type films, well it isn't. I find every single one of those "of the dead" films to be completely tedious. We get it, Zombies are coming, what's the point? Shaun of the Dead takes that boring premise and makes a great film around it by having real characters in that situation. As I often think, I'm so glad I'm Australian as we can appreciate both British and American programs. I don't like Australian programs one bit however, lol.


You don't need to watch Spaced to "get" Shaun of the Dead, or find it funny. You either do, or you don't. I've loved it ever since the first time I saw it. Only later did I see Spaced and of course thought it was amazing as well. Anyway, one is not a prerequisite for the other.


Speaking for the people, good on you George.


Both Shaun and Hot Fuzz are excellent... I dunno which one I like more, though.

Maybe Shaun just cuz I saw it first, but HF has lots of hidden gems in it too.

And I was vehemently opposed to Shaun when it first entered theaters -- I considered myself a horror 'purist' back then, and couldn't stand the thought of my cherished genre colliding with comedy; then I watched a lot more horror movies. Comedy has very often been a part of them, and I realize this now.

I know, Extreme Sport Punk #1. I know.


Welcome to the world of good movies is good movies. Good to have you on board.


What frame of mind do you have to be in to think that Shaun of the Dead is a horror movie. What? Since it has zombies and gore it's horror? It's a god-damned comedy and Edgar Wright has never directed a horror film in his life. There are many countries great at doing horror. The US, The UK, France, Japan, Italy, etc. Instead of associating one movie to an entire country you should appreciate good horror in general. When a good horror movie comes out I say, "Wow, that was good." Same for bad ones. I don't look at the country of origin.


I wrote that 3 years ago, and have since withdrawn my original comment you whiny little bitch.


I hadn't read that you withdrew your comment until after I posted mine. I was THIS close to saying "Hey that's ok, he changed his mind, it's all good." But then you have to act like a *beep* *beep* about it. You know, I'm glad you took it back, but to preach about being good to each other and throwing insults around makes you a bit of a hypocrite. Anyway, I must say I do think Edgar Wright is a very good director, but his films just aren't horror. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are both hysterical. Sorry for my hot-tempered decision and I respect your opinion, but don't be a prick.


um, countries don't do movies - vote history (OVER 9000 titles)


I don't sww why Cabin Fever gets so much hate. It's awesome. It's intended to be tongue and cheek and poke a little fun at the horror genre itself. It's still one of the most original horror movies ever. And i'm not easily scared at all and this didn't necesarrily scare me but it definitely left me with an uneasy feeling afterwards.

Is that something you might be interested in?


American horror does suck lately. I do however love this movie. I find it extremely creepy. I realize not everybody feels this way but everybody has that one movie that just affects them differently than everybody else. This kind of scenario is something that would scare the *beep* out of me if it were happening in real life. I think thats why I like it so much.


There's a lot of good American horror out there.

Son, you got a panty on your head.


Funniest thread ever! Anyway I like horror (and movies in general) from a variety of Countries. So I don't see the point in trying to say one import is better than another. (Read that your attitude has changed)

Anyway horror has been in a decline in America lately. Now supernatural movies are popular. I like the "Paranormal Activity" movies but don't find them scary. I thought "The Conjuring" was ridiculous. "The Walking Dead" is extremely
popular. (Never got into it) I guess I find a pandemic or someone breaking in and trying to kill you more horrifying than a ghost. (But that's just me) Horror is most certainly subjective.
