-The leg shaving scene.
-Paul dousing his dick with Listerine.
-Bert begging for a doctor, especially when he yelled "I just need a..f ucking doctor, man!".
-When Paul thought he was fingering Karen but it turned out to be her nasty rotting thigh.
-The bodies being burnt on the pyre.
-Karen's bloody rotting face.
-The rabbit suit guy in the hospital scene.
-How Bert found out he had the disease.
-When Dennis immediately turned to Bert and said "Pancakes!" The look on his face really creeped me out, that smile...ugh..
-The bowling alley story.
-When Henry the hermit showed up at the cabin looking worse than before.
Though the movie itself isn't great, I gotta give props to Eli Roth for the graphic blood and gore, and how he actually made the movie terrifying. I'm really now scared s**tless of flesh eating diseases after watching this movie.