MovieChat Forums > Cabin Fever (2003) Discussion > most disturbing scene?

most disturbing scene?

for me, it's the scene when rider strong ends up at the underage drinking party. That whole part where one guy chokes to death on the harmonica after getting walloped in the face by another guy's guitar. *shudders*. What a way to die. That scene wigs me out, but i can't help but watch it.

"Take that, pylon!" - Kris, driving forklift during the making of FD3


When Marcy is shaving and you see all those open sores on her legs. It's not the fact of seeing the open sores, it's actually shaving on the open sores...I don't know how to explain it but I still cringe just thinking about it.

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.



...Cannibal Holocaust. My all time favorite Movie.

...Those PETA Videos seem to work pretty well too, but I hate those sons of bitches...

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


To me the very beginning of the movie is very disturbing..
The intro or whatever, with the sound effects and the color getting darker and bloodier and everything builds up like a fuccing bad headache and you just want to close your eyes and scream because you can't fuccing take it no longer.

Classic horror IMO.

Also the part where she is shaving her legs... nasty.

The fingerbang scene was hilarious to me, I mean the guy is fingerfuccing her nasty ass infected thigh, thinking it's her vag.

I actually kinda like this movie. It has a lot of disturbing scenes in it.


I have never laughed harder when I saw that scene. I had to leave the theater.


When the wooden ladder breaks, and Paul falls into the resevoir water onto the floating corpse.


§« El sueño de la razón produce monstruos. »§



What about when Rider Strong starts beating that girl in the face with the shovel. Killing your own friend isn't disturbing??


Shaving legs. I was literally cringing throughout that entire scene, I was just like "For *beep*'s sake, woman, just stop!"

Veronica Mars died for the CW's sins.


Have to be where the guy comes back and finds bits of his lover all scatterred around after the dog ripped her to pieces i guess it freaked me out because i got bit by a dog when i was a kid and they've always freaked me out

"Feeling Stupid? I know I am!" - Homer J. Simpson


1. As everyone else has said, the shaving scene. Just how she keeps doing it, DESPITE what is happening (*shudder*) and the sound it makes for some reason, that just really makes me cringe... which I guess is the point, lol. Then later when we see the tub covered in blood, that makes me wince too cause I can't help flashing back to it :p

2. The scene where he goes to finger her and it's really her icky thigh. Again, the sound really grossed me out there too... aand obviously the fact that when he finally brings his fingers up, they were covered in blood.

3. The dog bit at the very start. I guess I'm overly sensitive to animal stuff, lol. The pig bit was kinda bleh too but I actually think the lady freaked me out more.. when she starts hitting it for some reason, lol she's just so scary.

4. Just any bits where their skin was peeling off and/or they threw up blood.

5. For some reason I laugh when they show the chick with her face all peeled off.. I can't help but think she looks like she's grinning, which just shows I have a sick sense of humour, lol. But when he's in the hospital later and flashes back to when she looked like that (right after having all these pleasant memories of the start of the trip), I find it more disturbing.

6. That freaky bald guy from the storys' smile of course. LOL.

7. In some ways, Dennis.. but mostly he just amuses me. PANCAKES!

Ummmm. I thought there were more but those are the main ones.


DUDE, DENNIS! AND THE PANCAKES. That whole scene with the father getting mad because his son bit that dude. Like WTF? Ya inbred moron. :[

Ryder was pretty cool with shoving the srew driver in his ear..but its a shame that dude had to die.

the ending was boss. But thats not the point. Sorry


The part where Marcy was shaving her legs and her skin was coming off.

Well smack my ass and call me Judy! - Friends
Would you like a *beep* M&M? - Heath Ledger


When Marcy is shaving her legs, revealing her infected flesh. God.

The make up was almost too realistic.



Paul pouring listerine on his weiner.


The most disturbing part for me was Karen and her half rotted face. It freaked me out.

Bradley, The Biggest MEGhead on the Planet! (MEG-2008) Trust Me. You'll Want To See This.


Yeh the shaving legs part and the part where that guy falls into the water with the dead body...ARGH!!! I would have killed myself if I were him...

"Number one doesn't always win." -Rafael Nadal


Are you kidding? That was the funniest scene in the movie! LOL what with how he was completely forgotten about by everybody and then he just drops down in front of the camera like a reverse Jack in the Box with the harmonica making that pathetic wheezing sound? LOL! LMAO! Good Times!


Definitely the scene where Rider Strong thinks he is fingering the girls, and it's actually an open festering sore, he has his fingers in!

Meat's meat, and man's gotta eat!!
