MovieChat Forums > The Hot Chick (2002) Discussion > funniest part of the movie!!1...

funniest part of the movie!!1...

was when adam sandler was saying & see this? you can put your weed in here!! haha that was THE best part of the movie! so now all my friends & me say this is my purse, you can put weed in it! lol


When Jessica (Clive) wakes up for the first time as a man!!! LOL!!!!
- "this isn't happening, this isn't happening!"


i know these have been posted but

"you think you're so cool because you can pee with your penis"
"someone *beep* in the locker"
"i am sooo lesbian right now"

jake describing april "she was a fun ride, but she's a previously owned vehicle and i'm into that new car smell"
jessica/clive "you *beep* ...whoever left these towels here is an *beep*

jake telling billy to take another girl to the prom "maybe this one will put out unlike that cold fish jessica"
jessica/clive "go to hell!...whoever left these showers on, go to hell"

"hildenburg, i'm sorry i humiliated you in front of the whole school and the visiting 8th graders, but you have no idea what it's like to have to shave your chin every morning"
"yes, i do!"
(they hug)

and in the pole cats club when billy runs into the spencers

"hello, mr and mrs spencer. how's it going booger?"
(looks around)
"...hey, this isn't the prom!"

and when booger runs to the car in heels

xxneva4GETxx: GOD I HOPE BUSH WINS hes so hot
xxfalltopiecesxx: loooooool


1). Ok I know this may be lame but I always found the parts when they were telling the story and the african drums started to play, then we see that its Adam Sandler. Im sorry but Im a sucker its so funny.

2). When the father says Son if youre going to wear those you have to learn how to run in them. (talking about the high heels)

3) Someone sh*t in the locker. LOL

4). When he picked up the ice from the urinal and said "what's this for" and the old guy says, "I wouldn't have done that" You have to see his face and body motions when he says that line. it's the funniest part of the movie!!

5). Just Ashlee Simpsons prescence and lack of lines in the movie was funny enough for me. I like her and I have her cd, but c'mon she was sooo funny in this movie. LOL, one line, one scream, dressed up like Jessica, the blank expression on her face. That girl is funny! LOL


-Black Guy: Some kinda, Tai QUEER Do. . .

-In the beginning when the were singing the honeybees thingy, and hildenburg gets hit with a toilet cover. . .cracks me up everytime. . .

-When they go to the mall, and the guy on the little car is looking or "CHECKING" them out, and he drives right into the sign, cracks me up even more. . .

-when jessica puts the panties in bianca's purse, and then the cops just tackle her to the ground, funnier part. . .

But my favorite and funniest part is when clive maxtone or jessica is the janitor(Right before the cleaning scene in the locker room) and she or he is on the bleachers and billy is on the field playing football, and he glimpses him, and just gets tackled like 60 yards down the field. . .OMG!!!! At that second, i am literally on the floor with pee stains marking the carpet. . . .It is so Frickin' funny to me!


The club part whenever Jessica says something and turns around and that guy with the serious look on his face is staring at him. LMAO!!!


the pillow fight


So, being a stripper must be good work huh? But where do you put your weed? Oh, that's interesting. I don't have one of those.

"Hey, can't you read? No strangling the dancers!"
"Hey, can't you read? Monday night is Gay night!"

Jessica: You have no idea what it's like to wake up every morning and have to shave your chin.
Hildenberg: Yes I do.

April: Can I see it?
Jessica: Apperently, you don't understand the complexity of the situation.
April: Oh, sorry. Can I see it?

"That'll definatly cost you a few votes for prom queen!"

"Let's go, Winonna!"

Now who's the punk...Bitch?---Sara Sidle


"BIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLY" the way he says it is so friggin hilarious

Are there receipts for little brothers?



Haha, I know; I laughed so hard. XD And his face..



i love the adam sandler parts!!! like his voice hahaha it cracks me up =D

and people dont know that yea, you can put your weed in there =D


My favorite parts are:
Boys are cheats and liars, they're such a big disgrace. They will tell you anything to get to second base... ball, baseball he thinks he's gonna score. If you let him go all the way then you are a hor... ticulture studies flowers, geologist studies rocks. The only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his cock... roaches, beetles, butterflies and bugs. Nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jug... glers and acrobats, a dancing bear named Chuck. All guys really want to do is - forget it, no such luck.

- um?
- what?
- do you really have a penis?
- April?
- What, its not everyday your best friend grows a penis
- Can I see it?
- April, what is wrong with you? I dont think your grasping the gravity of the situation!
- you're right, i'm sorry... can I see it?
- ok fine!
- Nice!
- Nice!
- That's definetly top 5
- How many have you seen?
- 5, not including my little brothers
- you little tramp!!!
- ahhhh!!!!

Eden- It usually involves a chicken
Hindenburg- That sounds delicious....I mean interesting

April- Seen the thing is Jessica some people might misconcieve some of the mean and hurtful things you say and do to them

Jessica- You think your so cool because you can pee with a penis but get a new conditioner cause your ends are totally split

EDEN: (evil chant) Hexum maleficium spiritum sanctum nostradumus!

*Jessica slips a thong into Bianca's purse and she is run down by a security guard* Those are all my favorite parts.


HAHAHA. my favorite part was DEFENITELY when robschneidor and april were playing that weird hand game, saying the "boys are cheats and liars" thing.. his facial expressions were priceless - it made me so happy.



Yeah! At first I was really offended by the Korean mom...but she said the funniest things:
"L to the I to the N to the G!"
"Ling Ling, you forgot your bling bling!"


It doesnt matter what part of the movie it is as long as April (anna farris) is in it cuz she has the funniest face expressions ever!!!

But I also love the part where Jessica falls down the bleachers after being pepper sprayed and then they talk and theyre like,"remember none of the kids liked and they use to throw rocks at u because u talked funny and ur too front teeth were brown..." and april goes to give jessica her key chain and it ends up being huge!!!

I also like the part where theyre at the mall and they r like what r u doin, hangin out losing weight or hangin out with skankier friends then jessica says what r u doin eating less or barfing more then they hug and she puts the thong in her purse and she gets tackled!!!

And I love the pillow fight (of course)

And when the grls r at the pole cat and jessicas body changes back and clive is dancin and changes back into a guy!!!

Somebody Sh!t in the locker!!!

Do u have a penis? righ sorry...can i see it? LOL

Anna Farris is the best comedian actress ever!!! and i love her in scary movie 3


Yeah Anna Farris just always has funny looks on her face.

But my favorite part is when they hop on the escalator thingy. They like hop. Yeah it is so great


Ok.. you guys are defff not picking any of the funniest parts, i mean yeah there funny but not as funny as some that your leaving out (well a lot considering everybodys saying they all think the same parts are funny)

.. every scene with jessicas dad in it is def hilarious.. him and rob have the funniest conversations..

"Know wut I mean? I also had to give up the spicy food on a count of my *beep*
"Senor, information too mucho. Emotional scarro, deescusting."
"Let me make you feel a little bit more at home. G O O O O O O A L"
"Carol! How could you!? In My own house?! Taquito, we were suppose to be amigos! SHUT UP-O!" .. love the way he says carol how could you hah.
"tres points,senor?" ..hah he says that part so funny.
... then the scene when they're at the bleachers, and he sneaks up on april.. he sounds so funny when hes whispering her name, "april,april, APPRIIIILL!!"
"everybody made fun of you, cause your two front teeth were brown"..touches her teeth. hah.
You *beep* W-whoever left these towels over here, is an *beep* go to hell! Whoever left these showers on.. hell.//Somebody *beep* in the locker (sniffles).

Korean Mother: Ling Ling. You walk right past crazy nails and don’t say HI ME.
Ling Ling: Hi mom:-/
haha nd i love it when Rob is at the club and hes pushing out his hand to the bartender to give him a high five, he does it so funny.

..mmm yupp i think those are pretty much the funniest scenes, in my opinion.

"aww you and billy are like totally disney." -April


forgive me if i'm wrong but i don't actually think lil Robbie's trying to give that bar guy a high five. to me, it's like he's saying "ok now....back off mister". plus, the way his head kinda swings away from him as if he's ushering him to get lost.

anyhoo, my favourite parts of the movie
1) i don't know the words exactly though i should considering i've seen it enough times - "not peeing in your chicks panties....what type of gay club is this" and then the 'swishy' noise when rob turns his head and sprints off to the bathroom.

2) "my fell into the lawnmower and ricocheted into the window" and the hand motion he does when he says need to pee pee

3) the scene after no. 2 i believe when jessica's mum has just made rob a meal and he takes his first bite and yells "what the hell is this"..the way the says it, plus jessica's mum's answer...the word jalapenos cracks me up




Ah, reading these makes me realize how funny this movie is. I haven't seen it in a long time. Some of my favorites are..

Jessica: [on the phone to Billy after becoming a man] I should have made love to you when I had the chance.
Billy: Father Mulcahy?

Jessica : You think you're so cool 'cause you can pee with your penis. Get a new conditioner, your ends are totally SPLIT!

"Ling Ling, you forgot your bling bling." -LOVE IT

"Too late dude, she's with me right now. She says that my peepee's way bigger than yours. And that's if I fold it in half. "

Bianca: Hi Jessica, you look great. Are you doing anything different or just hanging out with skankier friends?
Jessica Spencer: You look good, too, Bianca. Are you eating less or just barfing more?
Monique: Barfing more. --One time I actually like Ashlee Simpson, she was pretty funny.

Jessica (Clive): April, do you remember in second grade when you moved here from Arkansas? And everyone made fun of you and threw rocks at you, 'cuz you talked funny and your front two teeth were brown. I was your only friend. I gave you that locket, round your neck, when your grandmother was sick. You said, you said...
April: We'd be bestest friends forever.

Jake: [describing April to Billy] She was a fun ride, no doubt about it, but she is a previously owned vehicle and I'm into that new car smell.
Jessica (Clive): You *beep*
Jessica (Clive): Whoever left these towels here is an *beep*

Jake: [Jake is trying to convince Billy to take someone else to the prom] Maybe this one will put out unlike that cold fish, Jessica.
Jessica (Clive): YOU GO TO HELL!
Jessica (Clive): [defeated] Whoever left these showers on, go to hell.

Ling-Ling, You walk right by Crazy Nail. No say hi me.

The whole Adam Sandler part..

OH, and how could I forget the whole "Taquito" and Jessica's dad. hilarous.

Theres tons more but I can't think of any on my own, because I haven't seen it in a long time.

<3 Rhealyn


Boys are cheats and liars, they're such a big disgrace. They will tell you anything to get to second base... ball, baseball he thinks he's gonna score. If you let him go all the way then you are a hor... ticulture studies flowers, geologist studies rocks. The only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his cock... roaches, beetles, butterflies and bugs. Nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jug... glers and acrobats, a dancing bear named Chuck. All guys really want to do is - forget it, no such luck.


the pillow fight man like come on i cryed at that part cos it was so funny and i loved how rob hit everyone but not anna and she like nooo and she gets hit and brakes the wall



i like the bits with the korean mum
and those girls with keecia(ling ling)that also want bling bling
and when ashlee simpson says barfing more
and when jessicas dad says we were supposed to be amigos!

maybe i just love the whole movie and every bit people hav mentioned!!


i thought that it was funny when jessica/clive: has a tampons box and says "i have to do what!!!!!?" haha

BOyS ArE liKe LavA lamPs; FuN tO lOok At But noT vEry BrighT!! hehe



Just finished watching it on Sky Movies (UK), it was the first time I had seen it, and sad or not, I thought it was hilarious! The funniest part for me was when they were in the club, and "Jessica" says 'I have to do to the little girls room or I'll totally pee my panties' and the barman is standing behind "her"! 'Sometimes I take my girlfriends panties in case I have to pee before I reach the toilet'! Good Stuff!

Overall it was brilliant. I've yet to see an Anna Faris appearance I didn't like (although Scary Movie 2 was really pushing it), and I thought Rachel McAdams was both hot (as Jessica) and a good actress (as CLive)!

One thing I hate though, is watching films and recognising actors but not remembering what I've seen them in! Thankfully, IMDB to the rescue, Matthew Lawrence was also in Mrs Doubtfire, last place I'd seen him.



I love the part to when the woman of the african shop tells the story of the earrings,, and you hear drums and the woman says to the weedman: Ohhh!! Would you stop it already!!!

Or when Ling ling says to the african woman: Wauw! In this place I feel so proud of my african (and something more) but anyway and then her korean mother comes and says: Heey ling ling! Why didn't you say Hi? Ling ling: Hi mom
And the african woman thinks: Oh no

Or the jamaican man (Adam Sandler) tells the girls about the things and says, Yeah did you know can put weed in here? Well If you have anything to ask me I'll be in the back sleeping (he walks to the right side)
Oh no, the back is that way (walks back to the left side)
That is soooo funny!! =) And al the other parts u named too were funny

See ya!


This is totally my favorite movie EVERRRR!

okay so i like:
"Senor, information too mucho. Emotional scarro, deescusting." -Jessica/Spence/Clive/Taquito
"Ling-Ling! You walk right by Crazy Nail. No say hi me." -Korean mother
The whole Taquito thing was hilarious...I bought this movie on iTunes it kicks butt!!!

*throws Skittles at you* TASTE THE FREAKIN' RAINBOW!


I like the end. The gay man drives the male Jessica home!!! lmaf!!!


Oh i love Ling Ling's mother - she's so cute!! "L to the I to the N to the G" omgosh i was laughing so hard then!

~ Angel ~



and the pillow fight the way rob sneider laughs...hahahaahah

''that's a huge b!itch!!

'would you stop with the damn drums'

Life goes on......
