am i the only one

who likes this better than the first? the first i thought had too many unlikeable characters and annoying ones. This one has more action and an awesome ending as well. a great horror film i thought and better than the first Jeepers Creepers.


I agree. I prefer this to the first also.


count me in. pretty good sequel. plus that darry dude was so annoying in the first one.

I have to return some video tapes.


I like this one a lot more as well.

I much prefer ensemble films with a lot of characters as opposed to movies that focus on just a few characters.

This film has a few too many red-shirt background characters that do nothing...but all together it's much better than the first, it has better pacing and is overall a more compelling story.

The Avengers - May 4th, Assemble
The Dark Knight Rises - July 20th, The Legend Ends


i liked Darry in the first but it was Trisha who annoyed me. she's completely unlikeable through the whole movie.

This one had some likeable characters and more development i think, and the "father wanting revenge on the creeper" angle was a nice touch to the storyline plus Ray Wise was pretty badass in this movie.

i hope a third one gets made, but am not holding my breath


I agree. Plus in the second one, you get to see the creature a lot more and more closely than in the first one.



far better


I thought it was a good margin better than the first. More action, nice music, we know what the Creepers is this time, so there's no hiding him. We get to see him fly more, see some of his weapons.

And had a few likable characters. Darry was nice. But Trish got on my nerves. In this one, Scotty is the only one I hated. I didn't care for Tagert, but didn't hate him.

Izzy was great. He tried to help everybody, even Scotty after he was such an ass. Same for D. I like when they get to the truck, and D's handle to his door breaks off. Izzy doesn't drive off, and screams for him, and D just gets in the back and tells him to go.

Bucky was funny. Loved him too. "I'm close to peein in my *beep* pants man!" and his response to Scott "2 classes? What's that, the will be eaten, and the won't be eaten? *beep* you Scotty."


I liked this one more than the first as well!


I prefer this one too
