Homosexual undertones

I'm sorry but this entire movie had homosexual undertones. My sister agreed as well. Who ever created this movie tried to be sneaky about it but you can tell. Even in the first movie, I remember a part where a diner white lady said the creeper enjoyed sniffing dirty male draws. And in this movie, the creeper only wants men, he winks and licks his lips at them. Some of the shirtless shots from the guys were unnecessary. I also don't get the point of them showing the guys pee at some scenes. The director, producer, writers etc of this movie have got to be gay. I'm starting to believe that whole "hollywood" industry is gay.

Nothing you see on these movies is random.


if the "whole hollywood industry" were gay, the sexual undertones of this movie wouldn't have stood out to you and your sister. normally it's just blatant male-targeted heterosexual overtones in horror movies. i don't see either as a big deal.


You have a point. Maybe the Creeper was once a boy and wanted to be remade that way.


Football players do gay stuff to each other. They get real comfy since they need to touch for sport anyway. People outside of it don't really get it.


It's not gay, you just see what you want to see.


Why are you sorry? LOL! You sound like you're in jr high! If it makes you feel better google Matthew Shepard.

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


The director is a known pedophile. He served time for molestation and rape of a pre teen boy. He raped the child while making the movie Clown House. I hope all you sick idiots that are so eager to support the director get to experience first hand what the poor kids the pervert raped had to go through. You're all despicable and evil.



If you're concerned about the undertones, then you totally missed the overtones. The cheerleaders discuss it specifically: Her boyfriend needs time with his friends because they won. She then says something to the effect of "Whenever they lose, he's all over me."

The Creeper remakes his body with parts from others. That's why he targets males. He does kill females, but it usually tends to be a peripheral or defense kill. I get the idea from the tapestry wall with couples together that the Creeper probably swoops down on while they're alone at night. The girlfriend dies in the process of the Creeper taking the part of the male he wants. He's Buffalo Bill making himself a man suit. But he has wings and sharp teeth and ninja skills. The creeper is vain. So are many homosexuals. So are many heterosexuals. As in every horror movie, violent, bloody penetration metaphors for actual copulation. It's more uncommon for a horror movie to actually prey specifically on men and heterosexual male sexual fear, as usually the prey is hot chicks which people are used to seeing. Most dudes who make movies want to see women running and screaming and covered in blood because they can imagine themselves in the *killer* role. Jeepers Creepers reverses that.

This type of preening and bonding and "flirting" happens among males. Especially young competitive ones of any orientation. Because of this theme, the movie ends up being amazingly not exploitive towards women. Some men might feel that the handsome actors are being exploited, but it's men who decided that their sex alone may display their torsos in public without it being a sexual thing. If someone doesn't like this it means the movie is hitting some unusual reality for that person and they are newly experiencing the flavor of exploitation that is not their usual taste. It's meant to invade space and frighten people as any monster protagonist worth the salt should.
