MovieChat Forums > Gigli (2003) Discussion > What movie would you consider worse than...

What movie would you consider worse than 'Gigli'?

What movie(s) would you consider worse than this?
If I had to pick one, I'd probably pick "Battlefield Earth". But I still think "Gigli" was the worst movie I've ever seen. Your turn :o)


Kill Bill, Fast and Furious, ghost of mars...
gigli isn't so bad. It is ok. It has only a bad press.


gigli part 2,


Super Mario Bros. And after the credits rolled they actually suggested that there would be a sequel. No chance.



Point of No Return. God awful. The original Le Femme Nikita was a great movie, and leave it to Hollywood to remake it, and bury its legacy.


"Ratboy" and "It's Pat". I win.


I'd have to say: The 40 Year Old Virgin. I was bored throughout the entire movie.
Britney Spears' move Crossroads. Completely terrible.



Black Dahlia. Teeeerible


I'd have to agree with "Crossroads" also... baaad movie

Oh, 'goodwill hunting' was kinda boring... I couldn't sit through the whole movie


"Oh, 'goodwill hunting' was kinda boring... I couldn't sit through the whole movie"

Disagreed. Sure, it's not a fun movie to watch, but I think it was a great movie. The first time I watched it, I thought it was kind of boring too, but I was only a kid at the time. Then after years of growing up, I watched it again when I was in college. That's when I realized there was more to the movie than just what was on screen. I won't go into details about it; that's your job to find out yourself. But I hope you'll reconsider your post.

Perhaps more growing up will do you good. You'll be surprised.


Worst films I've seen:

Dude Where's my Car?
Queen of the Damned
Nutty Professor 2
X-Men: The Last Stand


Why did so many people hate X-men the last stand? Some love it, some hate it, but i loved it! I hadnt seen xmen 1 or 2 before that but the 3rd xmen made me go out and buy the 1st 2. I thought the special effects were great
