MovieChat Forums > Gigli (2003) Discussion > What movie would you consider worse than...

What movie would you consider worse than 'Gigli'?

What movie(s) would you consider worse than this?
If I had to pick one, I'd probably pick "Battlefield Earth". But I still think "Gigli" was the worst movie I've ever seen. Your turn :o)


Battlefield Earth is a masterpiece, if you compare it to Gigli. Even Daredevil is watchable after seeing Gigli lol.

I would even watch a Uwe Boll film over this tripe.


Carry On Emmanuelle. So bad the cast looks either depressed or embarrassed to be involved.


Most Adam Sandler movies... With a very few exceptions


Meet the Spartans


i went thru every post thoroughly and i am shocked that no one put.....

....drum roll please.................

Torque (this movie was hysterically terrlbie)


There are soooo many films worse than Battlefield Earth and I haven't seen a film with Ben affleck that wouldn't be in that list, excepting Goodwill Hunting where he made a few appearances.

BE is a fantastic campy crapfest in which the greatest pleasure can be had from Whittaker and Travolta talking smack. Oh, and you can enjoy it even more as a drinking game, just wait for the screen wipe!


BlinkyTM or any Uwe Boll movie


How about, "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot.". They should show this movie to terrorists as a form of torture for interrogation.


I think we could easily clutch at a handful of Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy, Madonna and Elvis Presley films that are both inferior to Gigli and lack some of the appealing features Gigli has. It's a poor movie, no doubt -- and not only doesn't work, but misses almost every mark. Yet Lopez and Affleck are Ok here, it's just they either misunderstood their roles or the script leads in directions that wholly undermine what the film is supposed to be about. These two characters aren't in any way cut out to be hitmen for the mob, but they have a genuine relationship that's too obvious, but works in places. Whilst Walken and Pacino invigorate the few scenes they are in. Compare this to Battlefield Earth, which has no redeeming features, or Hercules in New York, Swept Away, Meet Dave, Norbit or Raw Deal. Or what about Van Helsing, any of the Resident Evil movies or innumerable schlock horrors.



How about The devil's violinist?!! :D


Marci X


That comes to mind "the new world" with Colin Farrell & Batman... It was horrible.


Left Behind with Nic Cage...


According to my ratings history: "Life of Pi", Lena Dunham's "Tiny Furniture", "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and the "Matrix" sequels. And "Skyfall". I don't know what this mood I'm in is, but I just finished "Gigli" and I swear to God, it was NOT half as bad as expected. It had its shortcomings, so-so acting (mostly from Affleck, though he's not at his worst here. I thought JLo's movie girlfriend was abysmal), and an iffy premise. Having said that, it was sweet enough, very different from any chick flick I have reluctantly watched while multitasking. I thought Bartha's performance as a mentally challenged boy/guy was shockingly good for a film that has 2 stars on IMDb. I rated this 5, but might come back and change it to 4 as I often do when I get some perspective. The first impressions were positive though, I don't know what everyone is talking about.
