I think we could easily clutch at a handful of Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy, Madonna and Elvis Presley films that are both inferior to Gigli and lack some of the appealing features Gigli has. It's a poor movie, no doubt -- and not only doesn't work, but misses almost every mark. Yet Lopez and Affleck are Ok here, it's just they either misunderstood their roles or the script leads in directions that wholly undermine what the film is supposed to be about. These two characters aren't in any way cut out to be hitmen for the mob, but they have a genuine relationship that's too obvious, but works in places. Whilst Walken and Pacino invigorate the few scenes they are in. Compare this to Battlefield Earth, which has no redeeming features, or Hercules in New York, Swept Away, Meet Dave, Norbit or Raw Deal. Or what about Van Helsing, any of the Resident Evil movies or innumerable schlock horrors.