MovieChat Forums > Gigli (2003) Discussion > What movie would you consider worse than...

What movie would you consider worse than 'Gigli'?

What movie(s) would you consider worse than this?
If I had to pick one, I'd probably pick "Battlefield Earth". But I still think "Gigli" was the worst movie I've ever seen. Your turn :o)


Forrest Gump


the Good Girl with Jennifer Aniston

"it's a cold, cold world when you don't wear pants"-sb



Mr. Mike's Mondo Video is worse than Gigli.

Saw MMMV when it came out, against the advice of my friends. Had to see for myself. Since then it's been my 1 on the ten scale for grading movies. And I was an big SNL fan.


Black Christmas (remake)
Prom Night (remake)
When a Stranger Calls (remake)
The Stepfather (remake)
any, and every Uwe Boll piece of trash (none which are worthy to be called a film)

i personally dont really have anything against this film, its really not that bad, most people just hate it cuz ben n jen are in it, WHO F UCKING CARES, its a pretty decent movie, worth way more then a 2.3 rating. and if you think this is the worst movie ever made you havnt seen S HIT

the way.. of the future.. the WAY.. of the future.


I agree with you 100%

Spandex: it's a privilege, not a right
~Matthew Lillard(Hackers)


Two Nicolas Cage films, "Time to Kill" and "Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans". As well as "Sheltering Sky" with John Malkavich and Debra Ringer.



Eyes Wide Shut

"Creasy's art is death. Today he's going to paint his masterpiece."
