What movie(s) would you consider worse than this? If I had to pick one, I'd probably pick "Battlefield Earth". But I still think "Gigli" was the worst movie I've ever seen. Your turn :o)
Films by the late director Ed Wood were considered the worse in cinematic history. The main reason why this movie failed was that (and it's really retarded) audiences couldn't separate real life from fiction. The relationship between Ben Affleck and J-Lo was making headlines at that time and they couldn't separate their real lives from the movie. Hollywood was learned that it's never a great idea to have real-life couples work together in a film ever since this film. That was never a problem back in the 40's, 50's and 60's were Fred Astaire, Lucille Ball and several others have starred in successful films/TV shows with their real-life partners. Why can't that be done nowadays beats me.
Ages ago I saw a movie called "The Villain." It was one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's first movies. And, it had a lot of big name stars in it such as Kirk Douglas and Ann Margaret. It was horrible and I asked for my money back. (But, the box office wouldn't refund me.) Another horrible movie is "Myra Breckenridge," which was based on a Gore Vidal novel. I guess the novel is good. But, the adaptation into a movie was a disaster. Oh, and "Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj" is unfunny and a waste of 90 minutes. It's a ripoff of "Animal House" and "Revenge of the Nerds" minus any laughs.
Spiderman 3 (words cannot describe how pissed off I was after I saw Sony's arrogance on the screen) The DaVinci Code (a massive book adapted into a massive movie with a massive build-up to a sh!thouse conclusion) Plan 9 from Outer Space (Enough said, people)
"He made the girl next door bake him cookies. Freaking COOKIES! That's how you know he's evil!"
Creepshow III, a friend bought it for me. It was so horrible that I mailed it to my brother so he was stuck with it, he actually didn't speak to me for a while after that one.
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever was many, many times worse than Gigli. Gigli is pretty low, though; it's below Alone in the Dark and Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 for me.