Postmodernism at its worst

Upon viewing episodes of this show, I knew immediately that this is postmodernism at its worst. No logic, no order, no sense whatsoever. Modernist humor by sharp contrast is grounded in logic and the use of reason. Postmodernism is antireason, and appeals to the Gen X and Gen Y cynical worldview that nothing is absolutely true and all is meaningless. Nothing is better than anything else, and all truth is self-made and relativistic.



Are you really describing ATHF with a word like postmodernism?
It's a cartoon... Mostly for college kids...
It doesn't make sense because it's surreal, you know, like "The Mighty Boosh" or "John Benjamin has a Van". Maybe you just don't understand the humor bro.


First, I'm sure the creators/producers/animators/voice actors/whoever else is involved in the production of ATHF are glad that there is so much discussion about there show. Whether good or bad, we are all seem passionate about the show.

Second, Irc-7, what was your original purpose in posting your less-than-positive opinions of ATHF on the ATHF message board? You had to know you were going to catch a lot of flak for your comments. Most people that come to the message boards like the shows or have questions about the shows. All anyone is ever going to do by posting negative comments on any IMDB message board is annoy all the people that like the show in the process of not changing anyones mind. So I ask again, what did you hope to get out of posting your comments and opinions?

Third, Irc-7, listing the degrees you have earned as your IMDB signature comes off as incredibly egotistical. Certainly you should be proud of yourself because I know earning them took a lot of work, but what good are they here? Here on IMDB your degrees are totally useless, regardless of the discussion topic. You might as well be the handsomest guy on the radio or the best singer in a silent movie.

No one here will take you more (or less) seriously because of your degrees because we have no way of knowing whether or not you really earned them. Maybe you just like having those letters to the right of your name. The same goes to saying you are part any group/club/organization/movement/association/etc. There is no way to prove whether any of that is true or not, so no one will put any stock in it.

All anyone in IMDB is likely to believe about anyone else is that:

1) They own, or have access to a computer with Internet connection
2) They have at least a rudimentary understanding of the language
3) They know how to type on a keyboard (fairly well, at least)
4) They have watched the show/movie/film (although not always)
5) They care enough (whether positively or negatively) about the show/movie/film to come to a message board and make a comment about that show/movie/film



Dude, it's obviously satire set in a surrealist world with exaggerated actions and consequences. Many modern pieces of media have many debatable interpretations but you've eschewed all of these presumably because the medium wasn't your favourite. I bear you no umbrage for that, but there's no need to insult the people who do enjoy this.


I hear you. However, look how postmodern art shows non-sequential, nonsensical "humor." Jeez, the mark of contemporary civilization.



I really like ATHF, but I must agree with many of your thoughts Irc.
I think that the show reflects the cynical, catastrophist, dis-empowering ideology of many of what you consider Gen X.
In ATHF, there is no grand-narrative, no master signifier, characters have no control of events, events happen in no particular sequence etc.

In fact I would go further, since we are speaking in frank and general terms. ATHF is an excellent reflection of the ideo-political currents that run through modern (or post-modern) capitalism.
It reflects social disintegration; increasingly alienating social and production relations; ridiculous and opportunist individualism; increasingly bizarre, un-grounded and relativistic personal fictions; rejection of collective action except under reactionary or fascistic guises; tendency to posit violence as the only possible solution to a problem. Specifically I think this violence is linked to the unpredictable violence of volatile market forces.

I could go on with this list and expand on each point but I won't right now. Anyway, I enjoy the show very much, but those who say that there is nothing to be read from it are mistaken - often it is that which appears most apolitical or neutral, which is actually highly political. I find cartoons to be most interesting.


Excellent analysis. Such should be submitted in a class on postmodern entertainment in a college course. There is no linear sequential thought that goes through ATHF whatsoever, and the humor is illogical. It's very strange why so many postmodern Gen Xers and Yers would defend total abstract anti-logical nonsense.



I'm not sure I understand. Why is it odd that post-modernists defend their schizophrenic, relativistic playground?


I don't understand either, tomsmit96. You are absolutely correct. If relativism is so true, then why don't postmoderns tolerate those who adhere to absolute, linear, and Aristotelian logical thinking?



Agreed. Good analysis.



Actually, ATHF is da-da. Ordinary, often banal objects used in inappropriate contexts. See the work of ManRay or Joan Miro. Similar to fan favorite "Sponge Bob". And the dialogue in ATHF is sharp and well-crafted, thoughtful and very funny. I do often have a difficult time following all the dialogue because the voice renderings (especially Meatwads) are distracting and somewhat distorted. But re-watching an episode is rewarded with a second round of laughs at the lines I missed the first time.



You're a load in my pants Al - Officer Dan


wow, can sombody be more snobby.


Why do you find it so offensive that people enjoy humour with non-linear, illogical plots?




Was that too postmodern for you irc


You asked a rational question grounded in some measure of reality. Illogical and anti-reason are offensive in and of itself. You can easily figure that out,seeing that your very question has a subject, verb, and object that makes sense. The show is complete gobbledegook.


i think you're on the spectrum


100% on the spectrum my friend "I have degrees" should have told everyone right away that this guy is a troll and likely enjoys the smell of his own farts, if we are using the same logic as him ofcourse.


You asked a rational question grounded in some measure of reality. Illogical and anti-reason are offensive in and of itself. You can easily figure that out,seeing that your very question has a subject, verb, and object that makes sense. The show is complete gobbledegook.
I genuinely, sincerely, pity you. Spin that however you want, but I understand you, and you have my pity.


Hipster alert hipster alert xD face it you have no sense of humour and take even the simplest of things and overthink it, nothing more, nothing less. The fact you felt the need to come and comment on it for the sake of it leaves you verging on basically being a hipster troll, don't think i've seen anything sadder.
