MovieChat Forums > Half Past Dead (2002) Discussion > Why do rappers think they can act????

Why do rappers think they can act????

A little advise to ja rule quit acting.The only two rappers who can act in my opinion are eminem and ice cube!



Why do rappers think they can act???? answer is simple !! cuzs they cant sing !!!


You are right on the money there mate. :-)
M&M is pretty close to singing on a couple of songs though.
Would you believe this actually came out in theaters in Australia.
I don't mind mindless action movies like this though and I thought it was alright.

I ain't your pal, Dickface!


eminem cant really act but dont put down rapper/actors just because a few of them cant act because look tupac-great actor great rapper, dmx-great actor great rapper, ice cube-great actor great rapper, kurupt-great actor great rapper, snoop dogg-sh!t actor sh!t rapper,eminem-sh!t actor great rapper,method man-great actor great rapper,ja rule-sh!t actor sh!t rapper



This movie was cool.


I'm slightly confused here... Eminem is being clowned on for his acting yet DMX is being praised?... have you seen Cradle 2 The Grave? lmao.. Jet Li of all people out acted DMX, lol. DMX sounded like he was reading the lines as he said them, he had zero emotion and zero grip on his character.. half the time it was like the director just said "just play the character as you want", because he was here there and everywhere. I enjoy Jet Li movies and love the acting and fighting of Mark Dacascos (the bad guy) but DMX was awful and thats coming from a fan of his.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against rappers, rap or rappers in movies, hell I rap myself and have done for a few years. They're marketable for movies, most of the time they go in action flicks because it reflects their life or more oftenly their "rap character".

Tupac was a great actor, I love Method Man and Redman in movies they're extremely funny.. can't say much for anybody else although Ice Cube has given some OK performances.

As for Eminem, I'm confused why he's being called an awful actor? His role in 8 Mile was simple and he played it perfectly.. he was a quiet and frustrated white rapper.. how else does he play that role than what he did? Most actors wouldn't have gotten it right, they'd have gone into "depression" mode or something.. most actors have One look for an emotion and one way of acting it.. Eminem played it very true to life which is probably why alot of people enjoyed it. Sure the role didn't take much acting but thats what was perfect.. he didn't overact like 95% of actors would have done. He didn't get all "thug" when angry and he didn't get depressive when in a quiet moment. He did pretty well for a first movie.

However I've seen two of Ja Rule's movies now and laughed at his acting from start to finish.


In Cradle 2 The Grave, DMX as Tony Fait had emotion. Fatherly love, then Frustration, sadness, anger, interest, take your pick. Whenever he talked about his daughter getting kidnapped whether with Su, Jump, Ling, he was quite emotional not just one dimensional. A father in that situation is desperate so either frustration, anger or sadness.

Director told him to do what he wants? He played a desperate man who grew with his character. Someone's making him an offer he can't refuse and he & Su are running out of time. I think he did quite well for a rapper. Considering the movie wasn't shooting for a Golden Globe or an Academy Award, I think you'll survive if you really are a fan of DMX.


Speaking of Dre, he needs to retire from acting.

In Training Day, he was decent.

In the Wash, he was horrible because of all the screen time he had to get. He doesn't have range in his acting. He doesn't feel comfortable doing anything besides acting tough.


I agreed with scarface1981...Finally! Someone agreed with me on this issue. Oh, my god, Ja Rule may be the worst actor ever! I do disgreed though that ice cube can act...He's a little, wait, a lot better than Ja Rule, but still very very bad. These people should never be allowed to's an embarrassment. For example, Ja Rule totally ruin the freakin' movie when he kept twitching his eyes...Every time I see him, and no matter how serious the parts are, I kept on laughing. Ice cube? what was he thinking when he took the role of XXX? That's all I have to say.

Oh, what about Will Smith? He's awesome!!! Probably THE best actor/rapper.


I was wondering when someone would have a lightbulb moment and remember Will Smith hahaha

This movie was poorly conceived.. in fairness if this was made 20 years ago it would have been a big hit, by that I mean that audiences have become more demanding in realistic scenarios..

This just takes artistic licence to new and ridiculous levels...

To mention just one thing, plain glass skylight in a maximum security federal prison?? hmmmm

Anyway, I watched this a 1980 B-Movie... which in that case its ok

To take it anymore seriously than that is crazy


Umm... Or how about this other little known guy by the name of Will Smith?


i aint into rap, but what about ludacris, he wasnt bad in FatF 2, ice cueb yeah, but what about ice t, *beep* fantastic on svu, emnem isnt bad, but i dont htink he is a good rapper at all, and the movie Bones, with snoop dogg, yeah sure all black rappers pull the same tight face and he does a million times in this movie, but i think his acting was good in it.

i think the better question is, how thinks the porter from under seige 2 can act, man, there is somethign about how he uses his face, totally ruins everything.

ps, sorry about the bad dpelling of rappers names, im not really into it.


Ice Cube, yes, but also Mos Def, Ice-T, LL. Cool J, Tupac Shakur,Andre 3000, Common, Ludacris, Tyrese, have all turned in good performances, and most have been around for awhile (except Tupac, obviously). Queen Latifah, Mark Wahlberg & Will Smith have been nominated for Oscars.

As much as I thought they were flash-in-the-pans, rappers have become legitimate artists, and some, quite good actors. I think you've oversimplified the concept.

If we all liked the same movie, there'd only be one movie!


Personally I think all rapping is a load of crap, I don't even consider it music, all it is is guys talking fast on a microphone and rhyming with mostly dreary beats in the background!

But did someone say MOS Def was a great actor a while back? Did you see 16 Blocks? I needed a translator with me just to understand anything he said! Ice-T I think is a pretty good actor, I've seen quite a few of his movies and at least he shows talent! The same as Ice Cube, he can also do comedy as well, the Are We There Yet? and Are We Done Yet? movies were hilarious. Eminem is just awful, I know his brother skittles! DMX has no emotion, Exit Wounds it was Anthony Anderson who carried his ar5e and Jet Li in Cradle 2 The Grave. Ja Rule was terrible, Korupt isn't bad from what I saw in this, was kind of a funny sidekick type guy.

LL Cool J is also not bad, I've seen a few of his stuff I liked. Not seen any of Tupac's stuff though, think that is all from off my head.

I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost


I despise rap, really, im a metal head, but im a seagal fan so seing this movie was a must for me...

In all honesty i liked Ja Rule in it... i mean maybe it help that i always watch(when possible) my movies dubbed in french... because i speak... french... lol but it seem what you guys call bad acting most of the time end up pretty decent for me... Is it because the french traductor are good? Or my standard are not the same as you...

ANyway i never watch an action movie for an oscar wothy performance anyway...

But for me who stole the show was the bad ass chick bad guy... damn she was hot.


Some rappers are decent such as the two you mentioned. DMX was also pretty good in Never Die Alone, Cradle 2 the Grave, Exit Wounds. Ja Rule's not good but there are far worse actors than him.


rappers have lots of money

they more or less paid for any films they ''acted'' in
