Are 'Curvy' girls attractive?

Are there any straight guys out there who find "curvy" girls sexy and attractive?

I am one of the many "curvy" or "plus-sized" girls out there, and I know that its hard to find someone whos into alittle junk in the trunk. Ive been this way all of my life tho, and it seems that im doomed to be full-figured.

Any girls out there who feel the same way?



There is a big difference between curvy and fat. If you have junk in the trunk then you are probably fat and I find that ugly and gross. Curvy girls are beautiful.


You know, out of all the guys I've met and hung out with, I don't think any of them ever really cared about a girls weight (Unless she looked really unhealthy.) They didn't mind if she was carrying a few extra pounds. I think we tend to exaggerate and obsess way too much about it.

On a more positive note, Me and my guy friend sat next to a girl once while riding in the subway. She was okay looking at the face but the minute she stood up we were blown away by her ass. She was a skinny girl too, who looked like she was hiding a basketball in them leggings.

It was great.

