This is the problem with the so call health epidemic surrounding fat people. Being fat is not a death wish and it does not always equate to medical problems. Really, I know plenty of thin people that have more health problems than fat people. Further, can fat people have problems with diabetes and heart disease? Sure, but so can your skinny cousin, your fat uncle, and your black neighbor. These diseases are not solely brought on by being fat. Being fat doesnt even mean you have a "bad" diet. You have just made a lot of assumptions based on what you perceive as good and bad, right and wrong.
Its sad that our society uses fat people as a scape goat. Being thin does not automatically make you healthy, yet our society says nothing about it because we cant point the finger and say "I know what you are doing wrong".
You cant tell if someone is obese by looking at them, its impossible. Being fat does not make you obese. Plugging some numbers into an online calculator does not make you an obesity expert.
If you use the standard obesity calculator, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Shaq and half the NBA are obese. But we dont go walking around telling them to do something different, do we? They must be healthy because they are athletes or because they dont look fat. Just because you look fat, it doesnt mean you are obese or that you have medical problems.
For a country that has such an "obesity epidemic", its funny how life expectation has been going up since the early 90's. Deaths from cardiovascular diseases are down. Deaths in 9 out of 10 cancers related to obesity have been in steady decline for over 10 years now.
This country celebrates poor diet and poor health everyday. Britney, Paris, Nicole? I bet America Ferrara will out live them.
You are grossly mistaken in so many ways. Educate yourself.