The minstry, that is, Fudge and Umbridge, were looking for an excuse, ANY excuse to expel Harry. He was on probation at that time. So Fudge could have arrested him right away. Or used this as another count of an indictment at the *hearing*. They were trying to discredid Harry with all means, so why should the Order, knowing this, deliver Fudge such a perfect point of attack?
And about Moody and the others declaring their involement:
1. Why should Fudge give a damn? He was not believing Harrys story, he was not even listening to it, his opinion was fixed.
2. That was a secret action of the Order. There were members involved who did not want to be seen (Kingsley e.g.). So if they put their heads ont the block, all would get worse.
I always hated that scene (the use of magic, that is) and nothing in this thead made in any better!
This is how I feel: