It's remarkable how it never fails - someone calling someone else an 'idiot', 'moron', 'stupid' or otherwise insulting their intelligence or mental capabilities, invariably shows their own faults in that specific area immediately.
Sentences begin with a capital letter.
Someone tallking about 'idiots' shouldn't try to shorten already small words, like 'you' (doesn't make you look smart, now, does it?).
The jackpot of stupidity, though, is using 'ur' instead of 'u're' (or how about bothering to type the whole 'you're'?).
So you are saying "your an idiot", which means "something you possess an idiot".
Does this make sense to you as expressed by someone with exceptionally high I.Q.? So you are very intelligent, and that gives you the right to call other people idiots for simply not being aware of some tired Australian puns, but you still can't type a coherent sentence correctly.