Sadistic Mom?

Is it me, or does Kelly have a REALLY cruel mother? Kelly is not a "brat", she's a creative, sometime spacey, girl, not deserving of the punishment she was given.

NYC is the perfect enviornment for someone like Kelly...A place for the artistic, the creative.

By forcing her out of this enviornment, Kelly's mother is discouraging her from expressing herself...I know she wants to be with her daughter, but she's going to be at school all week, and only come home on the weekends. They could have worked out a very similar arrangement if Kelly were to stay at her father's or friends'.

THEN Kelly's mother becomes pregnant with Sir's child. Kelly is 14 years old, and going from the center of her mother's attention to a servant, whose only purpose in the household is to change diapers, is a painful, cruel transition to force upon her.


I hope in the years since the OP wrote this she's looked up the definition of sadistic.
