MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over with John Edward Discussion > Wisdom from a Developing Psychic to all ...

Wisdom from a Developing Psychic to all skeptics + cynics

To all you cynics and skeptics out there... who think that John Edward or any other accomplished psychics are frauds... Listen up!

All you have to do, is to learn and execute meditation on a daily basis. I have observed that every being has psychic ability. EVERYONE! John has stated that in his books and tapes. I have proved him to be correct.

First, you have to believe.
Second, you have to meditate all the time.

Then you will see for yourselves, the illusion that sorrounds you. I have spent the time and effort to research this, as well as reading everything that I could find. Then I practice, practice and practice. I have personally accomplished, what you all believe, is not so. Therefore, I can see outside of the box. I taught what I have learned to my Fiancee, half the world away. Now she is developing her own psychic ability. If we are all created in the image of God, then it is reason to believe and remember, that we all have the same abilities of God. That includes psychic ability. Why? Because we ALL are ONE! We are the created, of the creator, with the same abilities to create. Oops, now the secret is out!

Do you want to know who and what you really are? Just read "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. Infact, read ALL of his books.

What's the best how-to book on meditation? Read "Spiritual Breakthrough" by John van Auken. Also learn about the chakras and how to use them.

Do you want to learn to create what you desire? Or even to know that everyone is a creative being? Read "Ask and it is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Need more books to read? just ask...

Just look around at the current state of this planet. The collective consciousness of every being in this world, has created the reality that you all live in today. If you desire a better world, then change your thought about it. Let go of your Fear, your anger, your hate and then you will be relieved of all of your suffering.

I will tell you this: Keep being negative and you will never see what we can see. For being able to recognize that you even have this innate ability, requires that you have focus and a positive mental attitude, along with a positive emotional state. Remember the old addage: Rubbish in... Rubbish out!

And for God sakes... Let go of your EGO! Read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.

Did you know that dreams are a form of psychic ability?? John Edward can talk to the dead because people never die! We just change form back to spiritual beings. We are spiritual beings first. Being human, is an extension of who we are. I bet you didn't know that either!

John Edward can talk to the dead because he is able to totally quiet his conscious mind, so that he can reach his subconscious and superconscious mind. That's your barrier! Your conscious mind. Those of us who use meditation, are able to totally quiet our minds, so that we can tune in to the spirit realm. Just like tuning the radio. But first you all have to plug in the antenna and adjust the station. You plug in the antenna by quieting your minds. Let's see you try it. I challenge all of you to evolve by raising your level of consciousness. Then after you wake up, realize that ignorance is no longer there.

The solution to all of the world's problems.... is that the worlds' populous MUST raise their level of consciousness. More laws, justice (aka revenge), paranoia, military action and force will NOT fix anything. It will only keep you from evolving. How long does this planet have to remain at a conscious level of kindergarden, before it grows up? Sadly, I am feeling that it wont happen this century. I hope you all will prove me wrong. Nothing is set in stone. The future is what you make of it today. If the current state of events is to continue as they are... then the 21st century will be exreamly difficult. Please join me in raising the conscious level of this planet. Relief is around the corner. And it requires that everyone put in the work, to remember who you really are.

In Light...




Whatever !!!!



Whatever !!!


oh yeah.. pen and teller and south park are really reliable *rolls eyes*

more people are duped by them than by John Edwards


Can you personally prove it is a lie? What Penn and Teller may say is irrelevent. Every being on this planet has psychic ability. It's NOT limited to a few special people!! It's your God given gift. Learn and REMEMBER how to use it. To base opinion on someone elses ideals, without investigation, is the same as putting blinders on. That is the problem. So few care to discover things for themselves. They rely on opinions of others for their facts. How do you know if Penn and Teller claims are accurate, without first doing the work for yourself. Never take someone elses opinion as fact. That does not give you growth. It gives you stagnation.



Seeing John Edward for the fraud he is doesn't make you a cynic, it makes you at least half-brained!


You know it always bugs me when peaple tell me Im being closed minded when I say This is crap. I have logit and commen sence to back up my point. As well as establish proof on how Johny boy little trick works. Ever here of cold reading peaple carneys have been doing it for hundreds of years its not even a knew scam. Yet when presented with proof all you peaple can say is its a matter of just believing in it. You peaple are the ones being closed minded rebotized sheep.


You're close-minded if you stubbornly stand by stuff in the face of reason. You 'd be close-minded if you decided psychic were frauds without proof but you didn't. If close-mindedness is accepting something without proof and rejecting everyone that tries to say something to the contrary, it's believers that are close-minded.


Just because there have been fake psychics, perhaps even Edward, that doesn't prove there are no REAL psychics.

Carpe Noctem


Yeah, they are virtually the same as psychologists yet somehow psychologists are seen as credible for some stupid reason.


"We just change form back to spiritual beings. We are spiritual beings first. Being human, is an extension of who we are. I bet you didn't know that either!"

How is it that you are tuned into this astounding reality, and every scientist on the planet (you know those people who actually study reality) isn't?

Oh, you're not. You, and John Edward, are frauds. You don't even have the decency to examine your own words to see just how utterly absurd they are. You are an offense to reason. Oh and you claim to have the answer to all the world's problems. So do many frauds.

This type of thinking is deeply offensive to me; I don't care how much nice language it's dressed up in.



Good One !! Whenever I read what a cynic has written I just do this John doesn't care about cynics so give up all you cynics


Hi Jen - I filled my quota of posting so I had to delete and start again. Oh least it doesn't cost anything - Ha! So I'll repeat what I had written just prior to your December 13th response. Take care friend...

To all the cynics who continue to post on this board just because they have nothing better to do with their time: Here comes a message about...oh wait a sec....John wants to say something here...hang on...what's that John? Another message for the cynics?...yeah, sure go ahead friend...whenever you're ready...

John: The cynics can still bite me!
Me: Ha! Ha! Good one John!


Hi Syd !!I actually thought that the administrators of this board deleted all your post because you were up setting those cynics with all those Wait a sec I think John wants to tell you something What's that John Bite Me post you have written. Opps my mistake :-) HA HA HA


John: The cynics can still bite me!
Me: Ha! Ha! Good one John!

What a wag you are koala. You really should become a comedian because with wit like that you'd make a million bucks.

Isn't it lovely that we're moving into 2007 with stupid people still able to be conned by overweight ballroom dancers? Makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.


I'm sorry that you're such an unhappy guy Scottish, so unhappy that you find it necessary to constantly log onto this board just to write negative comments. Perhaps some anger management would help? OH, and by the way...

YOU can still BITE ME!!! OH, what's that John?

John: He can BITE ME too!!!


Hey call up James Randi, he'll give you a million dollars if you can prove this all is true.

oh wait, you probably cant cuz youll argue something like his testing is unfair or you dont 'need' the money.

Then use your magical powers and win the lotto and give the money to charity, im sure some needy kids or cancer patients would really appreciate it.

If you cant do ANY of that then please Shut-up you douche.

If you can i will personally suck your balls and apoligize.

But i have confidence that you are a douche like John Edward.


You are a complete bafoon. Your new age psuedoscience is just another dangerous and idiotic myth. And yes, people do die. We all die and then we're gone. We don't come back and talk to A-holes like John Edward. Collective consciousness??? Do you mean collective unconscoius??? Either way, you're wrong. Durkheim and Jung were both wrong. It's not science; it's complete crap. You are admonishing others to "let go" their ego??? That's the most ridiculous thing of all, because you are obviously full of false beliefs that smack of human conceit. You still think the gods control our lives and that the universe is centered on human beings. Get over yourself, and read a science text. I agree that we should all let go of our own ego, but I think that you should be the first one to do it. John Edward is a complete *beep* and he always will be. He isn't talking to the dead; he's talking to his sponsors to generate ad revenue to keep that crappy show on the air. And he toys with people's grief and that's wrong. Of course, they are idiots for believing him... In any event, he stinks, and so does his show. Or has it been canceled now? I don't care enough to go back and check, but I hope that show is dead. And I hope it never comes back to haunt us in syndication. And I hope you get a clue.


(Random names thrown)
John: I sense the letter M... Mike or Mark (has a pause, waits for response)... Or maybe Matt.
Audience member: My uncle was called Matt! (No way... What are the odds...)
John: Matt died some time ago. (vague expression of time, could be days or years. Matt died? No sh*t. The audience member said "My uncle _WAS_ called Matt")
John: Why does October sound so familiar...?
(silence, no answer)
John: Maybe it was something special... Like a holiday or a birthday...
(Yeah, maybe, or maybe you're just pulling stuff out of your exit-hole)
Audience member: It might've been his birthday...
John: I'm sensing that you two weren't that close. (... yeah...)

Can you not see that this is cold reading and suggestive questions?
He isnt even that good at cold reading... Jeez...



But... This is all he does... It's always the same.
The show is edited so much, so that the end result looks like something.
Though in my opinion even that looks so fake.
Have you seen unedited video of him? I have.




I'm sorry to ruin your fun but John Edward is a scam artist, he does cold and hot reading and is a flat out phony. He does not have any psychic powers at all and really if he did he'd be using it to help mankind instead of taking money from grieving parents and family members.

As for your powers, I'm sorry but you have been duped by this and are obviously suffering from delusions because talking to the dead is simply flat out impossible.

If it was possible then for starters every psychic in the world would get their guesses dead right the first time instead of going "I see an A" and then going from there (Known as cold reading, a fairly easy technique that anyone with a quick wit, a talent for improvisation and no soul can do to make tons of money)

However I believe you believe so I offer you a chance to prove your abilities to everyone, and possible save some lives in the process.

The James Randi Educational Foundation has a psychic million dollar challenge running, and has for several years. you set up your own test and if you can prove in perfectly controled circumstances where there's no chance of cheating that you have a psychic ability or can do something of a psychic nature (read minds, talk to the dead, spoon bend with your mind) then you get a million dollars... it's that simple. Walk in. Prove your claim. Walk out a million richer.

Go look, see I'm not lying. And before you say "I don't need the money" or "That's not a good use of my powers"... do you know of any charities that need a million? I reckon if you went in, got the million and gave it to a orphanage that would be a very good use of your powers... if you have any

If you have a problem with what I say, learn the meaning of a joke and shut up
