MovieChat Forums > Taken (2002) Discussion > PLEASE READ!!! IMPORTANT IF YOU LIKED TA...


please everyone sign this petition for a sequel you know the story isnt complete heres the link

also what do you guys think about a sequel?

i think the show was very good, but the ending left me hanging. I think the outcome of Allie needs to be explained, for that was what the entire show led up to.

and dont forget to sign the petition and spread the word to whoever u can, the more signatures the better please!!


I totally agree that there should be a sequel. After the initial airing of the series, I figured there would be. I have been waiting for news. I am very patient.....I'll definitely sign the petition.....The story seems like it needs to be continued, or finished. I hate to say finished because this story is so compelling and interesting. It deals with so many more issues than just aliens; human relations, our world, and life.

I am certain that I have been visited by and have seen a "ufo" when I was younger. Not to seem weird or anything, but I just remember strange things happening throughout my childhood.


Okay. Here is one idea for a sequel I "think" I could live with:

A movie that "seems" to be about a blonde actress who occasionally shows up for work hours, or even days, late & is rumored to have psychological problems because of some strange beliefs regarding U.F.O's. After awhile, a new fan of the actress, who also has these same beliefs, starts doing research about her online. He soon discovers that when she was a child, she was in a sci-fi miniseries about U.F.O.'s & alien abduction where she played a human/alien hybrid that at the end of the miniseries, went back with the aliens. So the fan starts to wonder if there is some other reason besides talent, that she ended up with that role as a child. Like maybe it was more fact than fiction for her. So he launches his own investigation into his theory & makes some startling discoveries.

I might be able to go along with this idea IF the main character was played by Elisabeth Rohm (Formerly of "Law & Order" & "Angel") since I think she looks like an adult version of Dakota Fanning.





here's an idea: stop giving ideas!!!
i just think a sequel might ruin the original Taken, but then again, we're talking about Steven Spielberg.
i think i like the idea of a Taken movie better than a sequel.
Of course, half the movie will have to explain allie's past, kinda like a recap, so there wouldnt be much time left for tha actual movie.
but i would really like to know what the aliens want allie for, what was the purpose of all... i also like the idea of having an older dakota fanning to play the role of allie once again.
anyway, i love Taken haha.


Make the sequel about events 30 years in the future...have Amanda Tapping play the grown up Allie....perfect.

If the war in Iraq was a REAL war, there would be a real DRAFT


About the sequal..

As so many have already mentioned here: There shouldn't be any sequal.

Taken is such a greatly though consept that it would be ruined if they tried a sequal..
It would most definitely be either a re-make (Taken in ancient Egypt!!) or then a sequal which lacks all the historical facts that where so carefully put to the story as it would take place in future..

If the story takes place in future I would be very much surprised if the time line would be as broad as with this one.. And that would also ruin the whole show..

Taken is not like 4400..
So please - someone should make a petition to not make a sequal to Taken..
(And if someone doesn't then probably I should - but that will take some time as I am moving soon and don't have time for it)



there will be a sequel


Sounds like you have some information (although I cannot find anything about Taken Part 2 - fortunately)..

Anyway .. I am not entirely disagreeing with you. There are many things that might or might not be, but for one thing I am certain:

There shouldn't be sequel to Taken.


I hereby bump this topic.


Friends, this is the most un-important thread ever. Taken does not require a sequel. It stands alone. I will never sign a petition for one.



There already was a sequel.

It was called Mars Attacks! Once the aliens gleaned all the information they needed, they destroyed earth, or attempted.

We come in peace, don't run!


That wasn't a sequel to Taken. "Mars Attacks" was 6 years BEFORE Taken & it was a comedy!


It was a joke.




Sounds like a good idea but wouldn't work. What could they expand the story with? And having a sequel about aliens attacking the world would be terrible. Allie come back and does what?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
