Bad Ending
My wife and I liked the Mini-Series but we thought the ending could have been better. And the cheese was dripping off the screen at the end.
shareMy wife and I liked the Mini-Series but we thought the ending could have been better. And the cheese was dripping off the screen at the end.
i think the appropriate way to describe the ending is "unsatisfying". people who really sought after cheese would prefer some elaborate plan where the Key family gets to live out the rest of their days in peace and quiet (with the occasional sweet anecdote where Allie rights some wrongs with her deus ex machina powers); whereas those who wanted some grander conclusion were denied it when Allie simply disappears with the aliens.
personally, i thought this set up a fantastic cliffhanger for a second series: which would focus on the alien's point of view as Allie continues her "journal" of events. it would be awesome to see how the so-called super-smart-and-emotionless aliens dealt with the experiment. how did they come to do this and that? how did John's compatriot react to his "coupling with the natives"? it's a premise that would put Avatar to shame!
well, as with all unmaterialised sequels, the "cliffhanger" ending thus looks retroactively underwhelming and frustrating.
I agree. I thought it was an amazing mini-series, until the last 2 hours or so. Everything seemed to fall apart. The ending really ruined it.
shareAs I stated in another thread, it had to end the way it did or it would've been so out of character for Allie that it would've ruined the whole miniseries. Think about it.
1)Allie healed Charlie, even though it weakened her.
2)Allie showed Dale his son, even though it weakened her.
3)Allie went with Mary & Chet from Dr. Pinzlers to save the others.
4)Allie created the illusion at the farm house, thinking the military would quit looking for them if she convinced them the aliens had taken her.(That nearly killed her)
5)Allie stopped Charlie from leaving John to die at the gas station.
6)Allie stopped him from finishing him off on the way to Texas.
7)Allie deactivaed the implants of all those people in Texas, even though it weakened her.
Does it really make sense that she would've let people kill & be killed to save her?
Happy ending? I don't know what you saw, but it wasn't the ending to Taken. Allie left with the aliens in the end. Everyone was crying
shareYea I didn't like it but there was only a few ways this show could end.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
I get that. Feels like they thought it out too much without feeling out how it'd look or work.
I just remember thinking about how many times I was gonna watch this and buying the box set and everything. Because back then, this was the best miniseries I'd seen. Then the ending happened...and I just stopped caring after that.
It didn't kill the show, I mean I guess it made sense and was fine for what it was, but it made me not really ever wanna watch it again.
To all the naysayers:
Give us your best shot at a superior ending. In other words, since you didn’t like the one you were given, tell us how you you would have ended it.
When I got my first “real job” my supervisor told me:
Don’t bring me a problem UNLESS you also bring me a solution. I may not use it; it may not work; it may not be practical, but bring me SOMETHING because anyone can stand around and criticize.
I’ve not forgotten that; and it has served me well.
Good point. Good point. I understand.For example I didn't care for the ending of Backdraft. My suggestion to improve it.
Instead of having Kurt Russell's character die ,because he thought he needed to be like their firefighter father who died twenty years earlier, the younger brother should have yelled at him "You're not dad. You don't do this." and the older brother would have realized he had been living a self-destructive illusion. He would have cranked down on his stupidity and decided to live and made it. Perhaps he would have then retired from the family business, but the younger brother would still carry on. Motivated for the first time in his life to succeed at something. Still inspirational without a cheap cliched funeral sequence.
You might not agree with my version, but it is a valid alternative. I get ya.
I must wholeheartedly agree on the cheese. I think there wasn't much sweet to the fact that a little girl was to be abducted by a bunch of unemotional and abusive aliens who have tormented her forbearers as well.
It's bad enough that they like to mess with people's anatomy's against their will and even steal time out of their lives. But they were even messing around in technological matters, when they stole that reactor from the astronauts.
Okay ranting about the aliens aside.
It was way too cheesy (and stupid) to suggest that combining the hyper-intelligence of aliens with the unruly emotions of humans would somehow produce the next evolution in a small girl, who's skull is far smaller than the alien's. So how could she be so much more powerful then they were if her brain was potentially smaller?
If you remember the scene where Ally walked to the edge of the woods with John(in his alien form) his head wasn't any bigger than Ally's. The emotions in combination with the super intelligence of the aliens is what made her so powerful. Her emotions gave her the wisdom to know how to properly use all that intelligence
shareOkay, I can't find that episode round youtube no more. But what I will say is that the aliens have a brain that is farm more disproportionately sized for their body, then a human. Infact that is a defining feature of humans is that they have such disproportiantely large brains compared to other animals.
Now onto the intelligence and emotions part. The aliens did what they did BECAUSE they didn't have emotions. Otherwise they would have been contained and conflicted far ore than humans are. It's stuff like emotions that can hinder science as we can see with people who get all riled up over stem cells and what not. Emotions don't give you wisdom anyways, I don't even know how you can come up with that idea.
If Allie had hurt the guys at the gas station like she was tempted to do, it would've intensified the search for her & her parents because they would've been criminal fugitives. But her compassion for human life prevented her from making that mistake
shareThe aliens didn't actively try to kill people, so waht's your point? Allie with her immense powers could have disabled them without causing too much harm.
Let's not forget that she wanted to hurt those men because of...emotions! So it would be the root of the problem and not the solution.
I think she wanted to hurt them out of the same survival instinct the aliens had that compelled them to abduct humans for experiments like the hybridization experiment that John reffered to as "the greatest experiment of all" But they lacked the emotion of compassion, so they didn't realize they were hurting anyone
shareLol the survival insticts of the aliens always compelled them to hide and evade danger. The aliens could've easil wiped out the persuing military if they wante, fact is they didn't.
Again the aliens never attacked anyone, they don't have the aggression for it.
So all in all it was cheesy and quite ludicrous to suggest that combining the emotiional capabilites of primitve humans with the superior intellect of aliens would achieve some sort of evolution.
If their instincts are to hide, their instincts suck! U.F.O.'s are probably the most widely and most commonly reported unexplained phenomena. Whether or not an alien race would wish to re-incorporate emotions into itself through hybridization with humans is anyone's guess. But it was a creative & refreshing change from the usual "invasion" scenario of most of the films & tv shows in this genre
shareThese UFOs can move into pretty much anyone's airspace unchallenged and make amazing manuevers that normal aircraft can't. Also, they are good at hiding as they can shapeshift into humans.
A lot of UFOs don't even show up on radar, they need visual confimation.
You say it's refreshing compared to the normal invasion scenario, but is that an excuse for including incredibly silly and cheesy elements for what attempts to be a more dark and serious drama on the phenomenon?
It was stupid; plain and simple.
You know, most Ufolgists say that these heartless gray aliens are doing this because they are completely sterile. They need hybrids to avoid complete and utter extinction. They could have gone with that instead of some dumb nonsense on emotions.
If that's the real reason for alien abductions, why do they return the abductees within a few hours? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep them as long as they were needed instead of making repeated abductions? Every visitation is another chance of being spotted. Besides. If the Greys are sterile, how are they making "hybrids" anyway? The best they could do is make more humans. Which indicates where ever they come from is very much like Earth and that of course means the abductees could be kept there as long as needed. Repeated abductions to test the same people over & over to find the best specimens to create the ultimate hybrid because there is something lacking in themselves, makes much more sense. That's assuming there are aliens, which I'm not convinced of based on aircraft traveling at speeds not possible or making maneuvers not possible, by anything man made. In 1975 my sister & I saw what was then a UFO. It wasn't shaped like any known terrestrial aircraft & traveled much faster than any know terrestrial aircraft. But in 1988 when the Pentagon released the first video of the Stealth Bomber, I recognized it immediately as what we saw 13 years earlier
sharePerhaps they can't keep the humans because they can't sustain them properly.
Like I said before, there isn't anything to really stop them anyways. They come and go as they please.
The Greys are advanced enough in genetic science to take the information from their own cells and mix it with that of humans. In the show atleast, being around the aliens was dangerous for humans. The technology of the aliens makes people sick and die. So the don't want to continuously expose humans to all these dangers; it would ruin the experiment.
There is something lacking in themselves and it isn't emotions. If they wanted to see emotions then they could have done psychological experiments. What they were doing was adding something to their own innate biological capabilities.
Emotions are at many times used in counter-logical arguments and actions; see appeal to emotion.
No, they should've sticked with the whole deal of them doing this just to survive. It seems more justifiable if these aliens were doing this out of some serious compulsion and need to save their species, then for the sake of adding silly emotions.
Regardless of how much information can be derived from cells, you still need a sperm & an egg for reproduction. According to the series, it was only early on that humans couldn't spend much time with aliens. Nothing happened to Tom or Charlie on the trip with John. So why would modern abductions like the ones experienced by the others in Lisa's support group & like the ones reported in real life, still be brief? The only thing that makes me consider the possibility of aliens is centuries old paintings with U.F.O.'s in them
shareOkay John was just one alien, the abductions happen with multiple aliens present. Their considerable psychic powers and technology are dangerous to humans so they must limit exposure as best they can. John learned how to repress his powers but he might not be able to do it indefinetely. With multiple aliens it would be a lot harder to prevent humans from dying.
As for the whole sperm egg deal, well the alien cells can mimic stuff. I'm sure they can mimic sperm to some degree. Remember the process isn't perfected; remember the hybrid twins who were deformed and thus abondoned.
I never quite understood why Larry & Lester turned out the way they did when they were born after Jacob was. Remember? Leo told Sam that Noreen was abducted in '48(Well actually he misspoke and said '58) and Jacob would've been born in '48 since John impregnated Sally in July of '47. I wonder what the percentage of premature births are among women who claim to be abductees?
shareWell it was to showcase that the aliens are cold and emotionless. But it also highlights the nature of the hybrids. The twins had fightening psychic powers and they seemed to have some sort of genetic knowledge even if they didn't fully understand it themselves.
shareReproduction is not limited to sperm/egg. Cloning is but just one form of reproduction without the pairing.
Current science is at the level of trying to take ovum (females haploid gametes) and integrating their genetic material together with another without sperm to create genetically unique offspring.
With the proper knowledge I'm sure one day even humans will figure out how to take diploid cells and creating artificial haploid gametes from them to get the appropriate 23 chromosomes that are needed to reproduce
Absolutely agree with you. I truly enjoyed first five episodes and as soon as attention focused on a little girl I found it suddenly annoying because there were so many other characters far more believable and interesting in previous episodes - towards the end I actually stopped watching it because it became too much for me,with kid bawling and parents screaming "I want my daughter" & "What the hell is going on?" (from one episode into another, than another) - I actually wished all three of them would be kidnapped by aliens,lobotomized and send far in the space. Sadly, the end destroyed everything I liked about the start of this serial.
shareThen you completely missed the whole point of the alien abductions & the miniseries itself
shareAs soon as Dakota/Allie said the words "I have to go" I started sobbing. Something about the way she said them, when her voice cracked mid sentence and she began crying my face opened up.
shareI hated the ending because it's a ten part story spanning half a century. And the only answer we get is an alien breeding program with a little girl going on a spaceship. The only people that got any payoff were the extra terrestrial masterminds.