MovieChat Forums > Red Dragon (2002) Discussion > Manhunter's Francis Dollarhyde is much m...

Manhunter's Francis Dollarhyde is much more effective and scary.

Francis in this film comes across as a whiny little bitch who isn't a very intimidating villain. In Manhunter on the other hand, he seems like the kind of guy you would just want to stay well away from. He looks much more menacing as well.



I like both films. I like Manhunter quite a bit more. William Peterson and Brian Cox are great in it, as well as Noonan. It may be blasphemy to some, but I have always loved Cox's Lecter.


"Manhunter" is competent, but, when Lounds/Seymour Hoffman is trapped and at the mercy of "FD" I switch the channel. I stayed the first time and as the father in "The Road" advises his son-"What you put in there/your head stays there." has of course stayed there.


Completely agree, I love everything about Manhunter especially Cox.


The character of Will Graham was wrong too, Ed Norton was just so wrong for the part. He's a great actor but not in this.


Ed Norton acts like he really badly needs to take a shit and he's trying not to show it.


They fundamentally changed the character for this film. Norton does a fine job, but he's not playing the character from the book.


I agree, Tom Noonan portrayed one of the most effective villians of the 1980s in Manhunter, great performance.

Fiennes is a great actor no doubt, but his Dollarhyde pales in comparison.


Manhunter is a hugely superior film IMO and that includes the cast... the possible exception being Philip Seymour Hoffman over Stephen Lang as Freddy Lounds.

I generally love Ralph Fiennes but yes, his Dolarhyde was puny compared to the chilling Tom Noonan.


That is correct!

Also the soundtrack by the little known band Shriekback was good.


Lang was great, totally different to any role I’ve ever seen him in but he captured the role of a slimy weasel pretty perfectly.

Even when I watch Manhunter now it’s hard to believe that’s the same Stephen Lang from Tombstone and Avatar


Many aspects of "Manhunter" are well done and I even enjoy the soundtrack but that itself also hurts the movie, aging it into its decade more so than it should have.

"Red Dragon" felt too mechanical and Ray Fiennes wasn't organic enough for me.


None of them was physically big and intimidating like Dolarhyde in the book.


Granted, the Manhunter Dollarhyde was more physically imposing but came across as two-dimensional. In the Red Dragon, though, emphasis was placed the psyche of Dollarhyde and how he became so twisted. As for which was better, which do you prefer - apples or oranges?
