MovieChat Forums > The Shield (2002) Discussion > Forest Whitaker is ruining the 5th seaso...

Forest Whitaker is ruining the 5th season

The Shield is a fantastic show, but most of the 5th and even 6th season is ruined by the character Jon Kavanaugh, played by Forest Whitaker.
A very bad choice of the writers.


Season 5 is my favourite and in great part is because of Jon Kavanaugh. He was, to this point, the bigger threat the Strike Team had ever faced. Not even Armadillo, Margos or Antwon Mitchell represented such a threat for Vic and the guys and I think Whitaker did a fantastic job as the obsessed, kind of sociopath Kavanaugh. He almost destroyed the ST single handedly but in the end, Vic was smarter than him. Though now that I think about it, he did destroy the ST, with Lem's dead (Shane would have never killed had it not been for Kavanaugh) and everything that lead up to the finale. He was the worthiest adversary.



Kavanaugh wasn't outsmarted by Vic, Kavanaugh took himself out with shoddy bad Vic coverup.


Disagree. Kavanaugh and Whitaker were both great choices.

An antagonist who is on the right side of the law against Mackey played by a powerhouse actor.

Don't see what's bad about either of those.

Can't stop the signal.



Kavanaugh made a good start then disintegrated and did himself instead of Vic but he was a worthy adversary for a while. In the end the worthiest was Corrine; Vic and all the other cops got lots of confessions by turning loyalty into betrayal and then he got done by the one person who could really hurt his feelings.

Did you get the joke about the dinosaur?

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Shane was my favorite antagonist to Vic. Them having a previous partnership where Vic quotes "we're going to play golf every day together when we retire" to trying to murder one another was great story telling.


"Spews venom like a poisonous pit viper."



That's actually one of my favorite scenes from the entire show. It actually hit me a lot catching it the second time I watched it knowing exactly where they end up.


You should have given at least one reason why you think Kavanaugh is ruining the season because, by not doing so, you've made it hard for people to respond.



OP is crazy

I don't know one person on this planet that would agree with you


OMG, you people are SO wrong! And you don't even realize how wrong you are.
The character is so overplayed and stupid with his tics and mental instability.
And it's completely unrealistic than one man will run an investigation alone like that.
Wake up!


Not at all.

The character is played phenomenally. His tics give him added quirk, and his mental instability makes him a dangerous opponent for The Strike Team.

His investigation is an added layer to his obsession.

Let's be bad guys.



Whitaker was awesome on this show.

Please stop.


Whitaker just nailed it in season 5.I don't know how you can not see how powerful he was as Kavanaugh in this series.The last 3 seasons are the best and it's mostly because of Chiklis,Whitaker and of course Goggins.
