MovieChat Forums > Monster's Ball (2002) Discussion > How can people like this film?

How can people like this film?

.....It was awful, i turned it off halfway into the film.....It was all about sex, no story....


I think it had story. It's just a darker and more tragic storyline.



no, the movie was all about sex and filled with unlikeable characters and i wouldnt call that sophisticated....


There was more to this story than sex. But you're right about the unlikeable characters.


Why does a movie always have to have likeable characters? Can't sex be a part of the plot? Sex isn't all this movie is, it is all it was cracked up to be because out society does not encourage us to think about race and racism on a gut, deep, intelligent level as this film does.


I don't have a problem with the movie exploring sex or race. The characters WERE unlikeable but that was how they were supposed to be in my opinion.


An actor must always seek to challenge themselves and never play it safe. At least Halle Berry's character was a complex one to say the least.


Sigh... my god trolls can be tedious.

1 and 1/2 sex scenes in a two hour movie and the movie is "all about sex"???

I don't understand you trolls at all... I don't see what fun you get out of being stupid.


"It was just too sophisticated for you. Suggest you stick with Adam Sandler or maybe Pauley Shore. Old Chevy Chase/ Goldie Hawn farces are probably more your speed, too. "

The ignorance of your comment is beyond me to express. You don't have any idea who the OP is, yet you make generalizations based on your own biased opinion. Instead of contributing to a discussion in any way, you find it more useful to talk down to people who don't see things your way. If you knew what sophisticated meant, you would also know that Monster's Ball is hardly such, and you would keep your mouth shut. Just because this movie has a dark tone, troubled characters, limited vocal scripts, and some offensive rhetoric, that in no way makes it unique or refined in any of its themes, because it has been done countless times before and in my opinion, much better ways. Implying this movie is sophisticated is a completely opinionated argument, in the same way abstract art is considered "art". Next time, tell us why you think the movie deserves that kind of credit instead of doing the discussion board equivalent of shooting spitballs in 7th grade math class.


I'd turn the table in order to ask how can you dislike a movie that contains excellent performances by the whole cast, great cinematography, an adequate music score, and most important: a bold, powerful and thought-provoking story that doesn't try to be a vapid crowd-pleaser, instead of that "Monster's Ball" is a story that challenges the prejudices of the moviegoers while at the same time respects the intelligence of its audience.

So how come you couldn't like this movie? Don't you like good cinema? Perhaps those who hates it feel uncomfortable because of the sex scene or maybe because of the chillingly realistic execution scene? Well, that speaks more about the mentality of those folks than about the movie itself. Prudish, racist, lazy and conservative people may feel offended by this film. Everybody else could enjoy this great movie.


i pretty much agree with the OP.

because at the end of the day it's not all that entertaining. (i did finish the film though)

p.s. i seen this around the time it was new which looking at the release date (i.e. Feb 2002) i would say i probably seen it when i was around 22-23 years old then so it's possible i may like it better now than i did back then but currently i give it a 4/10. so unless i am way off i still don't see this film being better than a 6/10 MAX which is still a Thumbs Down in my book.

My Vote History ...


How can people like this film? That's a real thought-provoking query, and I bet one of these will apply to you:
1) It shows the attitudes of racism
2) It shows the complexity of personal loss
3) It shows Halle's knockers
4) It shows several fine actors doin' it doggy style

Something for everyone!


I don't have a problem with anyone liking this film but I didn't like it. I wasn't engaged in any of the characters or storyline even though I tried to be. I didn't think Halle Berry was believable as a mother or a troubled woman. I can't believe she got a Oscar for this role. She was better in Queen and Losing Isaiah. Sean Combs was awful in this. Why they cast him I don't get it. They tried to make him appear older by giving him gray hair but it just didn't look natural. It was a good thing his part was minimal. Billy Bob and Halle didn't have chemistry IMO. The final scene was a let down. I thought that's it? This is how it ends. It seemed unfinished like there should have been more to the scene. I was really disappointed after viewing this film. I wanted more.

"Live well, Laugh often, and Love much!"


Well, the sex scene was the major interest, but not thr whole film. Nevertheless, the scene of Billy Bob giving it to Halle was memorable to the extreme. When Hank (Billy Bob) was pouring it into her, I kept saying things from "the Accused" to urge him on. Like "Go for it, Hank. Force of one, my man. Stick em." Or "Go for it, Hank. Come on, big guy." Or Pump that fuxxxcxking little college asxxxs."


Oh, I think there was a story, which was kind of interesting. But the sex scene dominated, and that's why, in my view, people like it. Halle was one of the hottest women I've ever seen on screen. She hadn't had sex for 12 years while her husband was on death row, and she needed both love and sex. Having sex right after her child was killed was hard to accpt, but then we've never been in the place of a benatiful, sexy woman wiht a hudband on death row. Also, she viewed Billy Bob as being very kind, as no one in her life had been for 12 years.


It wasn't all about Sex, and what's wrong with Sex?


good acting and writing go a long way towards that, the fact that you get to see Berry topless doesn't hurt either

so many movies, so little time
