Executed for what

What exactly did Diddy do in the movie that had him on death row. I noticed Peter Boyles character collecting news articles about him but I didnt notice what the article said. Who did he kill? Also how did Halles son get hit by a car one minute their walking home then hes on the ground. I thought he had a heart attack at first but guess that wasnt the case




As far as I'm aware, a black man is far, far more likely to get the death penalty for killing a white person than he will for killing a black person, especially in the South.




Miranda is right, just check the official stats on death penalty and check the ethnicity of those who gets the death penalty. Latinos or/and black men are far more likely to get the death penatly than a white guy. Most of the white dudes who gets the capital punishment are usually dirt poor (the so called "white trash"), people who can't afford to hire a good lawyer.
When it was the last time a wealthy white man who commited murdered got the capital punishment? When and where?
Death penatly is discriminatory by nature, racial minorities and impoverished people tends to be the vast majority of those sentenced to death, that's why that primitive punishment has been abolished practically everywhere, except in "democracies" such as Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, USA, Pakistan, China, and so on.
You may be interested on reading this:


Boy education has really gone to hell in this country and there in lies the problem. You have a nice list of countries there but where are the democracies? The U.S.A. is a democracy? Since when? Try Representative Republic, you did go to school didn't you? NOTE ARTICLES I & II of the Constitution BELOW...we elect congress they make the laws, you don't like them you vote them out. China is a Democracy, as well as the other countries you mentioned...man the country is in trouble. At 72 I see most of those under 40 as lacking basic schooling.

U.S. Government
What kind of government is THAT?
By Frank Laughter

The United States government is not an absolute or pure democracy. According to our Constitution, we have a representative republic.

What's the difference? According to my Merriam-Webster:

Democracy — Government by the people; government in which the supreme power is retained by the people and exercised either directly (Ablsolute, or pure), or indirectly (representative).

Republic — A state in which the sovereign power resides in a certain body of the people (the electorate)(Congress), and is exercised by representatives elected by, and responsible to, them (We The People).
Articles I and II of the Constitution are very explicit: We choose representatives and they make the rules that we live by until its time to choose again. Thank God we don't have to run down to the townhall, the statehouse, or the nation's capitol to decide every question.
There are near-pure democracies in the world. Off the top of my head I think of Bolivia, Peru, Columbia, Chile and California. (Inching its way toward the same sad condition is North Carolina.) Personally, I prefer not to live any place with a pure democracy. I like a little order in my daily life. I want my representative to set the speed limit on the roads and if I don't like the numbers I vote against him/her in the next election.

Look at California: Its out of control because the representatives (legislators) have discovered that they don't have to do anything. Every question that arises is put on the next ballot, letting law makers off the hook. If a plan goes bad, its the people's fault, and the representatives get re-elected because they didn't do anything wrong.

Notice in the opening sentence I didn't say we have achieved a representative republic. I said that our Constitution prescribed such a system. Our representatives have manipulated the system into such a sorry state that we now have an un-named, unmanageable federal system. The people blame the president (Clinton, Bush, or whoever) for everything that goes wrong when in fact, most of the time, its the fault of Congress.


Boy you're so naive.

First off, there isn't such thing as democracy as described by Frank Laughter (no name was ever more aptly given).
You name a single country in the whole world that's a democracy and where the people rule. Democracy in the true sense of the world DOESN'T EXIST, and hasn't existed for decades and decades. If you come up with one single country where you think the people rule, it means you have your notions all messed up and you're probably more naive than anyone ever tells you.
Democracy is a made up word for morons to be fu@#ed and content. Like the great late Jason Robards said in "Johnny Got His Gun": "Democracy? I don't know... I guess it has to do with young men killing each other".

Second, you silly, gullible little thing: only because they give it another name, it doesn't make it any different. They probably cones the new term "Representative Republic" when smarter people than you noticed that the concept of democracy didn't really fit and started complaining.
-"Oh, sorry! We got everything mixed up here! We never meant to say we're a democracy, we meant "Representative Republic"!" :)
- "Repre... what?" :|
- (Whispering) "It worked, they're confused. Now, MORE TV!"
That's how it works in your Representative Republic, and that's exactly how it works in the democracy were I was born and in the constitutional monarchy\representative democracy where I live now. It's all the same crap.

Your naivety makes me hurt inside, you know that? And that's because people like you, who believe in every line of bull they're fed, are the reason why the world is in the hands of tyrants. Oh, sorry, I said tyrants; in your naive world you call them politicians. Maybe you should try and stop reading and start looking at things from a personal perspective, thinking for yourself, and realize that there's no reason to think you're smarter than others because you were "schooled", cause that's really your weakness.


"When and where?"
Actually, the very prosperous and white Scott Peterson got the death penalty here in California for the murder of his pregnant wife. It was on the news. Read about it.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Are you sure Scott didnt convert to being African American to be able to get executed according to some people.


lol, this sure didn't age well


I think you would have to calculate vs wealth rather than race. Whilst what you say is probably true, I think that you would find that the level of poverty (which is higher for non-whites in the USA, and indeed nearly everywhere) would affect the ability for a non-white to get quality legal defence.



PPsh 41 in 45ACP


As far as I'm aware, a black man is far, far more likely to get the death penalty for killing a white person than he will for killing a black person, especially in the South.

The South is really no different then the rest of the country when it comes to race issues. I live in Memphis, TN and here black people are the majority, This is 2011 not 1911 things have changed alot. Not to say that racism is a thing of the past but there are more laws being enforced now to protect all americans. Besides if there was a big racial problem here then everyone would know about it because 1.It wouldn't be a big cover-up,m like alot of the crimes during the civil rights era because of people being afraid to protect themselves legally and going to the police and filing a complaint. 2. If something racist happens you can believe that Al Sharpton is going to make sure that everybody knows about it 3. Black people are willing to fight back now and I believe riots would be all over the country.


Hey Roy Boy,
Don't start that MESS about White people did this and White people said that...If it were not for White people there would be no TV,no INTERNET,NO MOVIES,NO CANCER research,NO NOTHING.
Whites and Blacks are growing together now and you make this LAME ASS
GET WHITEY *beep* off of imdb.We do not need RACISTS.


Oh right. Everyone should be grateful to white people. Of course. Award a whole race for the success of a few smart guys is so amazingly dumb.


To Tales-from-the-Goondocks

I don't know what race you are - maybe it doesn't matter. Anyways Im brown, not white.

But i don't go about inventing racial equality crap just to feel good about my skin colour. I feel better if i am honest with myself, and so should you be.

Whites have made this world what it is. Look at all the White countries and compare them with the rest, and ask yourself, why is it that these countries are generally more developed. Why do coloured people move in groups, families and villages to White Countries ? Open your eyes - thats all.

According to me - the phrase " all races are equal" is the biggest lie ever said

Darkness lies an inch ahead


Wow your opinion is not really worthy of respect. Not at all. To say that Einstein's, Newton's or anyone's race was responsible of their achievements is plain stupid. Race is not responsible for anyone's achievements. Color does not make a country "good" or "bad". I would sooo like to bitch slap you out of your ignorant opinion.


Look, it is so today

At one point of time, the Persians, the Greeks, the Chinese, even us Indians had some superior achievements as compared to other races. Today its the White man.

Instead of getting emotional with your bitch slapping talk, look at what your typing on. The White man made that computer.

Look all around the room you are sitting in right now. 90 % of what you see has been made by the White man. All I'm saying is - open your eyes - use your brains.

My fellow Indians tell me - but we Indians dominate in USA - we have so many scientists, doctors, representation in Nasa, Microsoft, BUT if that is so, why are we *beep* in our own country ?

The reason is that progress comes from Infrastructure, and as compared to other races, the White race creates an infrastructure, of rules, of technology, of equality, of opportunity, and that's why Whites create progress, and others piggy back

Sorry if i offended you

Darkness lies an inch ahead


No, I'm sorry, but if you want to state that race represents an actual intellectual advantage, you should present real studies to back up your claims. What you are saying is that there is a direct correlation between being white and being smart, intelligent, inventinve, etc. You want to claim that it is so? Then present proof. The only reason why whites have achieved more than blacks or latinamericans is because of their historical advantage and that's it. Until the 20th century, whites ALWAYS had the educational advantage. Your historical references about persians, asians, etc, having their own time is further proof that race has nothing to do with our achievements as humans. Their time simply came when there was nothing agains them (like an educational system that favored whites and didn't let blacks study). To claim that Japan is NOT a technological power is plain ignorant. Again, if you want to claim that computers were made thanks to the white's intellectual superiority, present proof. I studied human development my whole career, and let me tell you, race is NOT a direct factor in our cognitive development. White people are not smarter, more educated or more inventive by default just for being white.


No, race does not represents an actual intellectual advantage. Just like your statements on the Japanese, you are answering what you imagine I should say, because you cannot answer what I am actually saying.

I have taught my children from the Glenn Doman’s educational kit which states that until the age of 6, a child’s brain can absorb very quickly, and any child of any race can excel if that child is taken care of early. So Racial advantage is not only an issue of intelligence.

Racial superiority is mix of many factors. Another factor is emotional EQ where people are willing to work for common good. It’s most apparent in the White man, who has made the systems and infrastructure which work today. Its least apparent in Africa, where almost anybody in power turns into a devil.

Racial superiority also depends on strength. There is no point in making a civilization if it cannot continue, and we South Asians ( also the Mayans etc etc ) made such a great civilization, but it was destroyed because we could not protect ourselves.

What is the historical advantage you talk about ? Did it fall from the sky ? No, this historical advantage was created over time, because the White man had the right mix to dominate other races.

Like I said, the main thing you have not answered is the facts staring at you in your face. Look, if you want to talk theory, then the Communists kept spouting theory of being better. Eventually every communist country collapsed, with the exception of China which actually has accepted lots of capitalistic policies in disguise.

So look at the facts staring at you in your face. Everything today is created by the White Man. Ok, you also have some exceptions like Japan. What kind of world would this have been if there was no White man ?

Darkness lies an inch ahead


Listen, you are making the first mistake that teachers would have taught you not to make in scientific research. You are taking ONE SINGLE variable (race) while ignoring MANY others (socio-historical factors, environmental factors, biological factors, etc) and you are drawing one BIG spurious conclusion based on this one single variable. That's a very flawed logic and you simply do not know what you are talking about. I've spent the last 4 years of my life studying theory after theory of human development, and you are simply talking about issues that you do not understand. You are telling me that for some magical reason white people are, by default, superior in their psychological, emotional, physical and social development just because they are white. That's very ignorant and lacking of any logic whatsoever.

You are telling me "open your eyes bla bla bla white men bla". NO, just no. You are taking this one single factor (race), and with no real basis at all, you are awarding it with EVERY single achievement of a particular group of people who have helped to advanced humanity.

What historical advantages you say? First of all, the reason why the white men conquered the west is because their particular societies were more advanced militarily, not because they were a superior race in every single way. They had the militar advantage and that's why they conquered. By your reasoning we might as well say that Hitler was a vastly superior human being than the jew population because he managed to kill millions of jews.

After America was colonized, how long do you think it took the blacks or hispanics to be able to have a proper education? Don't you think this is an historical advantage? Do you think blacks were in equal conditions as whites to create inventions during the 18th, 19th, or even 20th century?

Listen, you are simply wrong about this. You are making a stupid claim based on nothing at all, except for misinformation. Again, ignoring a BIG number of factors and only taking into account "race" is a plain spurious method to draw any conclusion. You will never win this debate. The best you can do right now is agree to disagree.


3 times, in a different manner eveytime, you have mentioned that I am looking at “ ONE SINGLE variable (race) while ignoring MANY others….”

But I am not looking at a White Man sitting in …say London. I am looking at the White Man sitting all over the world, Australia, Europe, South Africa, USA. Such a large representation from such a diverse area also factors in what you say are “socio-historical factors, environmental factors, biological factors”

You may have studied theory in Human Development, great, but that does not make you the final authority. There are many people who have conducted studies in similar fiends and have differ opinions in the same field. Does everyone who studies Human Development have the same opinion as you. So please do not jump the gun at who is winning which debate, as that’s not a very smart statement to make.

And did Hitler create equality ? Like allways, you ignored what I actually said and only picked selectively. Obviously Hitler had to be defeated because all he had was military power, he was not an empire builder because he had nothing else besides for Military power.

You say "after America was colonised"....…..and then continue your regular argument. But why did nobody else colonize America. Why did the White man do most of the colonizing ? Once again, you are conveniently ignoring what actually happened, why it happened, but say that because of this happening the Whites had a historical advantage.

I never said that for “ some magical reason white people are, by default, superior …….I never said that. I gave reasons, I may be wrong but I gave reasons which you ignore. You imagine I said something, then you put all your passion into disputing what you imagined I said.

If your style of argument is such that you are the advocate, counsel, jury and judge all rolled into one, you are right, nobody will win an argument against you.

Darkness lies an inch ahead



I am not looking at a White Man sitting in …say London. I am looking at the White Man sitting all over the world, Australia, Europe, South Africa, USA. Such a large representation from such a diverse area also factors in what you say are “socio-historical factors, environmental factors, biological factors”

Let me educate you in what all of this means, because you are NOT understanding. Do you think every single white man or woman in the RICHEST suburb in Australia has the same values, economic position, "superiority", etc, as every single white man or woman in the POOREST suburb in Australia? Let me answer you right now: NO. What you are saying is that just because you noticed their race as a prominent similarity between these groups of people, that automatically means that the socio-historical, environmental and biological features of these particular groups must automatically be a product of their race. I don't really need to tell you why this is a very flawed logic. You are talking without having real information on the subject matter. Socio-historical, hereditary, socio-economic and environmental factors are NOT the same between these groups, not even in the particular countries you mentioned.

You are not really making a research about these factors at all, what you are saying is that just because race is a similarity between them, then ALL other traits must be irrelevant or a product of race, and you said so right here: "Such a large representation from such a diverse area also factors in what you say are “socio-historical factors, environmental factors, biological factors". Factors in what way exactly? Do you even know what you are saying? Do you have REAL information to back up your claim that RACE is the one that factors over ALL the other features you mentioned? How does race factors in those areas exactly? What's the exact correlation between race and all of that?

Just because race was the only similarity YOU could find between some conquerors and scientists throughout history, without even conducting a proper research on the matter and ignoring many other factors, that doesn't mean that it is the only factor that have played a role in their history. In fact, according to human development studies of TODAY, race doesn't really play a role in how a man acts (meaning that there's no real correlation between race and psychological or sociological traits. What makes the distinction between the countries you mentioned is mainly environment and some particular hereditary features that vary from family to family, from social group to social group, NOT race itself).

You are showing that you don't know how to conduct a real study or how to draw an informed conclusion. Again, you are NOT taking into account such factors, you are only taking into account race because it is the only similarity YOU could find between these groups of people that have many differences between them (the poorest white man in the US is not built in the same way as the poorest white man in the UK. This is a fact that ANY social researcher knows).

To draw a conclusion such as the one you want, it would be mostly impossible. You would need lots of resources and make a comparison of the results of lots of studies: You would have to conduct a study about the socio-economical position, biological traits and the environment people grow up in in EVERY SINGLE ONE of those white countries, in different cities and in different low class, middle class and upper class sectors. Then, and ONLY then you would be able to draw a REAL conclusion about how these people work, and I assure you, race won't be that decisive factor you are looking for. In fact you won't be able to find a real decisive factor that ALL of these people have in common.

You may have studied theory in Human Development, great, but that does not make you the final authority. There are many people who have conducted studies in similar fiends and have differ opinions in the same field.

Then tell me, which are these theories you are talking about that differ from my opinion? Which are these serious theories that actually support your reasoning that race plays such a big role in how human beings act and develop their society???

I have studies in Human Development, you don't, and let me tell you, there are no real theories that support your idea that race is a determinant factor (or even one of them) in a particular group's achievements. There's NOT ONE SINGLE SERIOUS THEORY that supports this supremacist idea of yours. If you can find one single theory of human studies that says that race is a determinant factor in the achievements of a particular group, and it is a theory that's actually taken seriously in the scientific community today, then tell me about it.

Obviously Hitler had to be defeated because all he had was military power, he was not an empire builder because he had nothing else besides for Military power.

What you are saying is that the most imperialist race must be by definition the "best" race. You are saying that just because white is the most prominent race, in say the most imperialist country (the US), that MUST mean that the white race is the more suited to be dominant. For crying out loud.

You say "after America was colonised"....…..and then continue your regular argument. But why did nobody else colonize America. Why did the White man do most of the colonizing ? Once again, you are conveniently ignoring what actually happened, why it happened, but say that because of this happening the Whites had a historical advantage.

MANY things wrong in there. First of all, why was America colonized? It was a combination of political, economical and sociological factors, all of which can be attributed to an imperialist attitude and not to the supremacy of the white race. Oh but yes, according to you, the most prominent people in the most imperialist country MUST be the supreme race. What a flawed logic.

I am the one ignoring what actually happened and why it happened? What happened can be attributed to a NUMBER of factors other than "race supremacy". You are automatically assuming that your argument is true (that race is the reason). I am ignoring this as a fact, because simply it ISN'T a fact. You want to know why there are more white inventions today than black or hispanic??? How about you read a little history? You think the fact that black people didn't have the same opportunities to study as white people had in the US isn't an important factor to be taken into consideration here? Wow, and I'm the one ignoring facts?

The fact that white people have won more wars only means that white countries have developed war technology faster than other countries, and this isn't really attributed to their RACE, but to a combination of factors in their particular societies.

I gave reasons, I may be wrong but I gave reasons which you ignore.

You NEVER gave such reasons. The logic in your argument is this: If most conquerors and scientists of recent history were white, then the white race MUST be superior! That's the logic behind your reasoning. You are NOT giving real reasons, other than "because the only similarity I could find between them is that they were white". You also said that the fact that they are white should automatically makes us assume that they share the same environmental, socio-historical and biological traits! For the love of God, you would be receiving an F right now in a quantitative/qualitative research methods class.

How about you read this:
The argumentative theory of reasoning:

Think about the last time you ran into a coworker or family member spouting some easily disproven conspiracy theory -- somebody who still thinks Obama's birth certificate is a fake or that Dick Cheney arranged 9/11 to cover up his theft of $2.3 trillion from the government. When they were shown proof that their conspiracy theory was wrong, did they back down? Did they get this look of realization on their face and say, "Wow ... if this is untrue, then maybe the other 'facts' upon which I've based my fringe beliefs also aren't true. Thank you, kind stranger, for helping me rethink my entire political philosophy!"

That has literally never happened in the history of human conversation. Whether it's a politician whose point has been refuted or a conspiracy theorist who has been definitively proven insane, they will immediately shift to the next talking point or conspiracy theory that backs up their side, not even skipping a beat. They keep fighting to defend their position even after it is factually shown to be untrue. But what's really weird is that process -- of sticking to your guns even after you've been proven definitively wrong -- is apparently the entire reason humans invented arguing.

http://www.cracked.com/article_19468_5-logical-fallacies-that-make-you -wrong-more-than-you-think.html

That's what you are doing right now. You are not read in how human beings and their thought processes develop, you are not read in how a REAL scientific conclusion is formed, you are ignoring a *beep* of facts and factors that contradict your absurd theory and you are taking into account only the ones that suit you, but yet you want me to say you are right? For the love of God...

Again, you are not informed enough to win this debate. You are pulling your conclusion out of your ass. You are saying that RACE is a determinant factor just because... why exactly? Because most scientists have been white, while ignoring how these people were raised and why, what opportunities for studying they had, etc etc? For God's sake. I hate arguing with misinformed people who think they are right with no real basis other than their spurious logic.


Ok – I saw this football field yesterday, and just gave up for the day, as I had to work. Now today,as it is Sunday.....lets see what all you had to say yesterday, and most of it, was as before, based on what you imagined i said.


>>> Do you think every single white man or woman in the RICHEST suburb in Australia has the same values, economic position, "superiority", etc, as every single white man or woman in the POOREST suburb in Australia?<<<

I DID NOT look at rich or poor people in White Countries. I looked at entire White Group as a composite whole and compared them to the entire Black / Brown etc Groups as a composite whole. I looked at all the White Groups, whichever part of the World they resided in, and compared them as a group with any other Racial Group. That is a very large representation, and you are comparing millions of people by Groups here, and in almost every comparison, the White Group as a composite whole came with superior results.


>>>>Again, you are NOT taking into account such factors, you are only taking into account race because it is the only similarity YOU could find between these groups of people that have many differences between them<<<<<<

I am looking at the results that I see in front of my eyes. You see progress wherever you see the White man as a composite whole. There may have been other factors, but how come the White Race is ALLWAYS the prominent factor ? But you are asking me for research, asking me for real information etc. Dammit – stop being pretentious –OPEN YOUR EYES.


>>>> What you are saying is that the most imperialist race must be by definition the "best" race<<<<

No, I did not say that, I said "Racial superiority is mix of many factors......" You are incredible or absolutely delusional, you say anything you want to....


>>>>>Then tell me, which are these theories you are talking about that differ from my opinion?<<<<<

I was making a general statement, weather it is law, medicine, architecture …anything, any great study has differing conclusions from different wise men. Your so called Human Development is one of the most subjective of all studies. So I’m sure there are lots of students of Human Development. You are free to argue your opinion ( it would be better if you would do that sensibly ) but…stop being arrogant that your opinion in this matter of Human Development is the only opinion that matters.


.>>>> You are showing that you don't know how to conduct a real study or how to draw an informed conclusion.<<<<

No, I don’t know how to waste my time, if you don’t know how to open your eyes, and see the reality in front of you.


>>>>>There's NOT ONE SINGLE SERIOUS THEORY that supports this supremacist idea of yours.<<<<<<

Theory Theory Theory, what about reality. I suppose if you are sitting in a boat and sinking, you are not going to see the water coming up to your nose level, but still be spouting theory about ballistic tanks underneath the boat.


You are like a pigeon playing chess with a man, whatever moves he makes, you will knock down all the pieces, then *beep* all over the board and strut around as if you have won the argument.

Darkness lies an inch ahead


I DID NOT look at rich or poor people in White Countries. I looked at entire White Group as a composite whole and compared them to the entire Black / Brown etc Groups as a composite whole. I looked at all the White Groups, whichever part of the World they resided in, and compared them as a group with any other Racial Group. That is a very large representation, and you are comparing millions of people by Groups here, and in almost every comparison, the White Group as a composite whole came with superior results.

That's one of the problems with your absurd theory and that's exactly what I was explaining to you. In sociological studies it is IMPOSSIBLE to look at a group as wide as that as a WHOLE. As I said, not ALL white people are the same and it is impossible to categorize them as a "whole". You truly don't know what you are talking about and you just can't accept it. Tell me, under what research model is it okay to categorize such a large group of people without taking into account their vast differences? Are poor white people in Australia as educated as rich white people in the UK? NO, they are NOT. Not ALL white people share the same traits, and in fact, MOST of them don't share the same traits at all. Please just stop this nonsense. The entire white population of the planet is NOT homogeneous.

I am looking at the results that I see in front of my eyes. You see progress wherever you see the White man as a composite whole. There may have been other factors, but how come the White Race is ALLWAYS the prominent factor ? But you are asking me for research, asking me for real information etc. Dammit – stop being pretentious –OPEN YOUR EYES.

You are NOT looking at the results of ANYTHING. The word "results" would mean that you actually did your homework and did some research about this, but you are not getting results from anywhere, what you are doing is drawing a very lackluster conclusion based on nothing but your own misinformation about societies in general. You are NOT qualified to draw a real conclusion about this matter as you are showing.

I was making a general statement, weather it is law, medicine, architecture …anything, any great study has differing conclusions from different wise men. Your so called Human Development is one of the most subjective of all studies. So I’m sure there are lots of students of Human Development. You are free to argue your opinion ( it would be better if you would do that sensibly ) but…stop being arrogant that your opinion in this matter of Human Development is the only opinion that matters.

No, I'm sorry, but this is not just an OPINION. What I'm saying is a FACT, not an opinion. As a graduate of humanities it is my job to be OBJECTIVE and to draw REAL conclusions from REAL researches, based on REAL research methods, scientific models and scientific theories. Again, if you know of ANY theory that actually disagrees with the principles I'm showing to you, prove me wrong, if not, please shut up because you clearly don't know what you are talking about. I know this gets said A LOT on imdb as an insult. People often say "you don't know what you are talking about" just to insult the opposing argument, but in this case you know it is true. I've proven the lack in your logic, I've refuted you with facts about sociological research methods and theories on human development and yet you are still coming back with more nonsense.

No, I don’t know how to waste my time, if you don’t know how to open your eyes, and see the reality in front of you.

Okay... please tell me your age. I know an adult can't be as stupid as to say that studying scientific research methods is a waste of time. You keep babbling about computers and whatnot, but how do you think everything you have was invented? With SCIENCE. Using the same scientific methods you are dismissing as a waste of time! You are basing your conclusion on NOTHING except for your own ignorance! Please tell me you are a teenager because that would explain your stupidity.

Theory Theory Theory, what about reality. I suppose if you are sitting in a boat and sinking, you are not going to see the water coming up to your nose level, but still be spouting theory about ballistic tanks underneath the boat.

Oh for the love of God.... are you for real!?!??! You don't know what a scientific theory is, do you!??! Let me educate you kid (I will start calling you kid, because you can't possibly be an adult):

Taken from Wikipedia (and it is a very accurate definition): A scientific theory is a set of principles that explain and predict phenomena. Scientists create scientific theories with the scientific method, when they are originally proposed as hypotheses and tested for accuracy through observations and experiments. Once a hypothesis is verified, it becomes a theory.

See, scientific theories are NOT wild speculations like the ones you are making here. Scientific theories are backed up by observations and experimentations. You are telling me that we should throw away all the REAL researches made by REAL scientists, and throw away all the verifiable and well-stablished scientific theories designed by experts on this particular field, in order to make way for your wild and plain dumb and juvenile speculations???? Wow.

Listen, you've shown that you don't know what you are talking about since your first few replies, but this is way too much. Your last post is ridiculous and plain stupid as *beep*! I'll say it again because you don't seem to understand what you are doing here:

Whether it's a politician whose point has been refuted or a conspiracy theorist who has been definitively proven insane, they will immediately shift to the next talking point or conspiracy theory that backs up their side, not even skipping a beat. They keep fighting to defend their position even after it is factually shown to be untrue.

And that's the argumentative theory of reasoning. Exactly what you are showing here. Tell me, what's the point in continuing this discussion any further? You will NEVER accept you are wrong. You've even gone as far as to say that science is wrong if it doesn't adjust to your absurd speculations!


He was executed for wearing a hoodie!

-- Mothershytter... Son of an ass!!


Tales from the Goondock -

In College we would call people like you to be those who embrace a "goddess of easy virtue" Its obvious that you want to be noticed and recognized, but do not have the ability to excel in science, psychology, medicine, Economics, Computers, so you people embrace a college major like Human development which is as good or as bad as ...say Art History, Dance, Religion

Good for you. But your study is subjective and anyone can rip you apart. I really cant leave all my work and waste time on you, but a pretentious person like you needs to be told off, and will very soon, when i have the time

Darkness lies an inch ahead


And why is it obvious that I want to excel in science, psychology, medicine, economics, computers? Tell me, whenever you say a stupid theory and someone who is actually knowledgeable in the subject matter takes you out of your mistake, you always assume that he wants to excel at something just because he is being rational and objective? Whenever you say something stupid like "pink unicorns talk to me" someone is pretentious just because they take you out of your delusion? And WOW, you are SO misinformed, that you included there economics, medicine and computers even though I haven't mentioned any of that (researching the socio-economic position of certain sectors in this particular subject matter would be an obvious area of sociology, NOT economics per se).

You are also saying that the studies of Human Development are subjective? So you don't even know that the phrase "BASED ON OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENTATION" means OBJECTIVITY? LOL, whenever someone asks you to actually back up your position after being proven wrong, your only way out is to say "science must be wrong"??? LOL! Well... what can I say. And also, "in college"? Please. No one who is as misinformed as you about science can be in college. You are 15 tops and that's being generous.

I guess when someone doesn't know how to defend his position anymore, and science has proven him wrong, the last thing left for him to do is try to discredit science itself, with plain dumb sentences like "science is subjective".


And the winner is?! Tales-from-the-Goondocks !!!!


>And the winner is?! Tales-from-the-Goondocks !!!!



Why are Northern European nations such as Britain, Scandinavia, France and Germany more economically successful then Southern European nations, such as Greece,Spain and Portugal? As far as we know these nations all belong to the white race, yet Germany continues to prosper why Greece descends deeper into bankruptcy? Also Arabs historically where far advanced in mathematics, geometry, Astrology and the Sciences, way before Europeans cottoned on. Would you say that Europe borrowed from the 'old' world, setting a standard for European civilizations?

I'm more of a breakfast for lunch type of girl.


Mira943 I'm sorry to say but Tales-from-the-Goondocks is right. And I'm deeply sorry to notice what low self-esteem you must have to be convinced by such twisted theories as the so called "white superiority", you being a brown girl as you said.
All races are equal is true, simply because if you take 20 white kids, 20 black kids, 20 Asian kids etc. and treat them the exact same way from 0 to 25 years old, you give them the exact same amount of opportunities and education, at the end you get the exact same rate of successful kids, smarts kids, dumb one, criminal and violent one in each ethnic group. You don't need more arguments than this one to know that we're all equal, no matter what.
Human's behavior in determined by the circumstances and environment, certainly not race! You take all the white folks and you put them in *beep* up circumstances, you'll get the same crime rate that you can observe in a minority's community.
The only reason white man is at the top of the food chain today is because all over history they had the right conditions to do so <the industrial revolution started in England, BECAUSE they had the coal mines all over the country>. Can you blame the Eskimos for not having invented electricity? Would you blame a Tuareg for not inventing fishing or navigation? White people did <invent electricity>, not because there were smarter, just because all the conditions were there to accomplish it: that means a nice tempered weather for the humans to work and the crops to grow <nor to cold or to warm> and all the materials at hand.
Not to mention all the knowledge they harvested all around the world through trade, travel, war and colonization: algebra from the Muslims, logic, the crane and the lever from the Greeks, gun powder, paper and printing from the Chinese, the combustion engine, the flashlight, the switch, the combine harvester, all invented by black/African people and so on and so on!
All your statements concerning White's superiority are a byproduct of your ignorance about the other cultures and civilizations that preceded us in the time line.
You think white people are smarter because right now they seem to rule the universe and you are unable to see the big picture, the fact that there was a lot of other ethnic groups that indeed also ruled their world in their time. If you'd have happened to live in any African empire, you'd have thought "oh blacks are smarter", if you were in the Persian empire you'd have thought "oh, Persians are smarter" but as i said, you have to see the bigger picture, the strings behind the appearances, the mechanisms that make things the way they are, watch the object itself and not the shadows against the wall.
If the "Caucasian race" was so far ahead every other one due to their intelligence, the whites would have ruled the world since the dawn of humanity and it's obviously not the case: the Greek empire, the Ottoman empire, the Egyptian kingdom, the Persian empire <huge!>, the Macedonian empire <even bigger!>, the byzantine empire, the caliphate, the Mongol empire <the biggest in the last 5000 years!> and of course the Roman empire. Not to mention that the firsts great civilizations and big cities <more than 100'000 people> were in Africa!
So as you can see, power, control, and being at the top of the pop is not a matter of race, color or whatever you think it is. Its a matter of circumstances and opportunities. Period.
What are you gonna say when the Chinese will rule the world once again? Because like it or not, its gonna happen again. If China would invade and impose us their values and way of living, would you still think the whites are the smartest??
Every kingdom, realm and empire has an end, as "America-Europe realm" has...
And i suggest you read a history book before you speak about cultures and civilizations, with all due respect.


"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs"


What your saying is the same as accusing the whole race for the stupidity of a few. One white person spews racist venom and the entire white race is racist... how fair is that???

Here is a novel idea. Let's just take each individual and see them for who they are. Instead of accusing them for something that someone else did... no matter what color or nationality they are.



10 years? Why did it take so long to fry this guy?

-- One point in fact of which I spoke to you of which, I can't talk to you about it here.


It does take yrs sometimes before people are executed. And I did notice Peter Boyles character collecting news articles about the P. Diddy character, so Im wondering if it all tied in together in some way. And I didnt understand how the boy got hit by a car, when it was raining, and it showed halle berry stealing a umbrella from the diner. So they had to be close to fit up under the umbrella, so if he got hit, it seems to me that she would have got hit too. But oh well, its just the movies, maybe we analyze things to much!



Rocafella..Did you ever read a book on American History?Why are you so STUPID?


It'd be a pretty short book.
And he's right, it does take years for prisoners to be executed, though I doubt it takes ten. It's possible he was in for something else then killed someone inside and got moved to death row later. Or it was a high profile case and there were a lot of appeals, the courts can take their time sorting it out.


The process in general is a long one because the defendant's lawyer has the right to file appeals.


I cannot believe you MORONS stating tht the SOUTH has KKK meetings and
lynchings.What a bunch of HICKS you are and a disgrace to the HUMAN RACE.
Fact...If the KKK or anyone started anything in Georgia or any state blacks would burn the city to the ground..you fools!


The reality of delayed executions is very real, and it added realism to the story. In our state, we have guys waiting for execution for crimes committed twenty years or so ago. In fact, there was a guy who died in prison who was on death row. He'd been on death row for a crime he committed in the late 80's.

One reason for delayed execution is the endless appeals and legal maneuvering that goes on between prosecutors and defense attorneys and the courts.


There is something to be said for the French approach. They come in - your appeal has been rejected - and then it is off to the guillotine which is already waiting.

-- Mothershytter... Son of an ass!!


If you rewatch the beginning portion of the movie when the old man is in front of the newspaper clippings you can see an article that says "Death Penalty for Cop Killer". To me that would show a bit of a backstory as to why he is on death row.
He killed one or more police officers.

Then again, that could be an unrelated article. But I doubt it.
Sylar = Evil Jesus


Miranda have you ever actually been to the south? Its not all confederate flags, KKK rallies, and Lynching parties. He killed a cop a guaranteed death sentance crime.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.



I hate to break it to you, but I live in Tampa, you know the place where they have the WORLD'S BIGGEST CONFEDERATE FLAG (it's actually about 3 blocks from here). The south IS all KKK rallies and Confederate flags and if it weren't for in state tuition, I would have left this state years ago.

I do have to wonder, have you ever actually been to the south?


What kind of an IDIOT are you? I have lived in Tampa all my life. I was born here. I have lived in trailer parks, the ghetto and now in upper middle class suburbia. What the *beep* are you trying to say?

There are no KNOWN KKK rallies, nor are there lynchings here.

Fool. Leave the damn state, or at least go back to Miami. You are one of the stupid morons from Florida we all hear about in the news, obviously.

For the record, Florida, although being south as the states go IS NOT regarded as being "The South".

You just can't help some tools. (i.e. this means YOU.)

You Should Be Reading Denimology.com


Not an idiot, fool, or a "stupid moron you hear about in the news". College honors student. If you have lived in Tampa all your life (including a trailer park), then you should know about the giant Confederate flag flying over I-4, its been there for 3 years now. Just because the rallies aren't KNOWN doesn't mean that they don't still happen. I don't need to go back to Miami, because as soon as I graduate I'll leave you to this cesspool of a state and laugh as I ride happy and rich to a place that doesn't get all of the country's rejects.
But I do agree, some tools cannot be helped... and they all move to Florida.


Thanks for answering that. I assumed that it was just never explained, and not really relevant to the story itself - but at the same time, I wondered what he had done.


"" xerxerxex,

I hate to break it to you, but I live in Tampa, you know the place where they have the WORLD'S BIGGEST CONFEDERATE FLAG (it's actually about 3 blocks from here). The south IS all KKK rallies and Confederate flags and if it weren't for in state tuition, I would have left this state years ago.

I do have to wonder, have you ever actually been to the south? ""

Maybe that is just the lifestyle your family chooses to live. I've never witnessed anything like that.


I've lived in Texas my whole life and I've seen the confederate flag in person once. I don't know where ya'll are talking about where they have all these lynching, kkk meetings, and they fly the confederate flag right up there next to the U.S. flag.

This is 2011...if you have never been to the south don't act like you know what you're talking about.
I don't chew tobacco, ride a horse everywhere, or go out hunting black people for my next klan meeting.

Its funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen


I live in the South and I've seen a KKK meeting as it took place twice, (not in the KKK but it's kind of hard to ignore something like this happening in plain sight) as well as been in gas stations where they actually have a newspaper. Vidor, Texas is notorious for a sign that says something very much along the lines of "negro, don't let the Sun go down on your ass." The South is a beautiful place and I encourage everybody to see it for themselves, most of the people are quite friendly. But these things do happen here so it's always best to use caution, although that goes for anywhere as well.

To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.


It doesn't matter what he did. It's about time to end death penalty everywhere!


He ripped off the police when he made I'll be missin' you and you know how the police have it out for black people


I knew it was obviously for murder but had no idea it was for the death of a cop. The death-row officers were pretty lenient on him in that case considering he killed one of their own, they would have beat him to death
