MovieChat Forums > Dahmer Discussion > My mom use to live next to him

My mom use to live next to him

Jeffrey Dahmer use to live in the apartment complex next door to my mom. In the morning they used to walk past each other and say "hey" in a neighbourly tone. [[Luckily she wasnt in any danger since he seemed to have only liked men]] but she did say that it was odd that they would always walk past each other at the same time every day. He would be just getting home since he worked the night shift and she would be heading out to her shift as a school bus driver. My mom was preg with me and ended up in the hospital during that summer. She woke up the morning that he was arrested and saw her apartment and the white guy she use to wave to in the morning [[My mom and Dahmer were the only white people in the neighbourhood]] on tv. She freaked that because she had three teenage foster boys at home with her husband. She was freaking because she worrying about them. She also rememebers when the Sinthasomphone kid was running around the street naked. Her apartment was on the 3rd floor and kinda up a hill so the family didnt go down cuz it was kind of a hike.

Its kinda creepy whenever we are on that side of town and we drive past it. All his building is now a overgrown field that is fenced in and is in the middle of a somewhat busy neighbourhood.



Woa, that is really creepy and fascinating. And to think if Dahmer was into the Vagina you could of well not existed... That is some mind blowing Gourmet sh-t.




That's cool, my father was classmates with him in elementary school...



of all the things in this world to claim and cling to why the hell would someone lie about being Dahmer's neighbour? Damn pricks.

'May you not rest, as long as I am living. You said I killed you - haunt me, then'


I don't understand why people are so quick to jump to the conclusion that this person is lying.

I actually currently live about 10 blocks away from where Dahmer's apartment was (and yes it is in fact an empty lot that is fenced in - it was bought by a guy named Zilber (a major financier of Marquette University) so that the actual building that Dahmer lived in could be demolished. People were practicing Satanic rituals there and it just wasn't safe, which is maybe where that Devil's Playground idea came from). Dahmer did in fact interact a lot with his neighbors in order to maintain a good standing with the community. He also held a steady job.

His apartment was right off of State street in Milwaukee which is in fact a busy street and the phone booth that the near-escapee was at when he was apprehended by the police is still there. There's an alley that literally drives right past the iron fence that blocks off his lot. The lot is almost a back yard to the apartment complex that is adjacent to it, and there were these kids playing on it the last time I was near there. It's just.... creepy.

And, just like the OP said he was in fact arrested in his apartment when the police (who happened to be in there for reasons I don't recall at the moment) found pictures of naked boys and men in his nightstand.


I live in Milwaukee and a lot of people I know have stories linking to him including a friend's mom who used to cut his hair.


Jeffrey was hot
