MovieChat Forums > Reba (2001) Discussion > Who is your favorite and least favorite ...

Who is your favorite and least favorite Reba character?

And why?



Reba and Van tied for favourites. Both are awesome.
Cheyenne and Barbra Jean for least favourites. Cheyenne because she was so vapid and selfish and Barbra Jean was just irritating.

You have to stop the Q-Tip when there's resistance!


Favourite: Van and Barbara Jean. They were both hilarious. It's probably the first that I like someone who was a homewrecker. Usually I root against them, but Barbara Jean was very likeable.

Least Favourite: Kyra. I don't know what it is with TV sitcoms and the middle child or youngest child always being the bitter, sarcastic one. I've noticed with a lot of sitcoms though, one of the kids are always like that. 8 Simple Rules with Kerry is one example.

At times I didn't like Reba too much either.



Loriann. She just didn't fit with the chemistry of the other characters. She was TOO bitter. Reba did just fine with the zingers herself. We didn't need Loriann there sticking it to everyone. It was just outright rude of her to come in and start making problems. I was glad they got rid of her.

I did like everyone else on the show, tho. they all had good chemistry.

and I liked the little gay guy (he played different parts). he was funny.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Kyra was my favorite character. She got me to lol the most with her comments.
Of course Reba was very likeable as well. Van was funny a lot, but sometimes he was a bit too cheesy.

I didn't care for Cheyene probably the most. She was so superficial a lot of the time.
Brock was good at times, but overall I wasn't a big fan of his.


favorite: cheyenne & brock

You stay classy, San Diego.


I'm glad they got rid of Loriann. She was annoying and like you said she didn't fit in with the other characters.


Favorite: often Van, often Cheyenne, often Barbra Jean, sometimes Reba, sometimes Brock.

Least favorite: Van's dad, Dan. (The first actor, Sam McMurray, fit with someone Van could literally say "monster" about. The second actor didn't capture that.) Not at all wild about Brian either. I didn't buy the I'm-in-your-face-and-mellow-at-the-same-time act, or whatever that was.


I agree about Van's dad. He was awful. I still cant get his spew over morals. Meanwhile, hes trying to get his son to abandon his wife and baby... yeah, theres some real morality going on there. Douche. Every time I see that Sam McMurray I just think of him as Van's douchy dad.

And I also agree about Brian. I have tried to like him, but something about his creeps me out. Like he tries way too hard. Not real. Just a little too weird for me. From the first time we meet him at the speed dating thing i was like 'oh boy. hes a try hard. not gonna like him.'


I think Darlene was more depressed and Gothic while Kyra was oppressed and ignored. I just desperately wanted someone to give her the attention she deserved. I dont feel Darlene suffered st the expense of her siblings like Kyra did. Granted she dI'd have a selfish sister, but Becky wasn't as immature and idiotic as Cheyenne.

Brian Kinney & Justin Taylor


Favorites: Reba and Van. They were just too funny. Barbara Jean would be annoying in real life with her constant dropping in all the time but she was hilarious.

Least favorite: Cheyenne. I like her OK, she's a sweet and pretty girl, but she was just way too spoiled!!!


Favorites: Reba and Brock. I think they had great chemistry together and both were very funny. Brock and Reba had more chemistry than Brock and BJ, IMO.

Least Favorite: I believe I'm the first to say this, but BJ. I think she overstepped her boundaries way too often and it just annoyed me when everyone stuck up for BJ instead of Reba and never cared about Reba's feelings.

Also, Henry didn't appear much, I think he was only in 2 or 3 episodes, but when he did appear, he was as annoying as his mother.

I don't hate either of them and BJ did have her a lot of nice moments, but her annoying moments were more frequent than her nice ones.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


Favorites: Van and Kyra. Van's delivery never failed to crack me up, and Kyra's dry humor was great.

Least Favorite: Probably Cheyenne. Not much to her character that I can relate to. I think Van appreciated Reba more than she did sometimes.
