Favourite Scene?

ok i have literally just finished watching it for the first time and i cried at the end! :D its such a cute film if cute is the right word for it. I got the same feeling watching pride and prejudice (2005 film) anyway i was just wondering what peoples favourite scenes were.

mine was probably when they have to leave and jesse says "i'll love you until i die" that choked me up and when he came back and found her grave well that just made me cry :(


I definitely have to agree... the "I'll love you until I die" thing was so sweet. I love that scene.
Although I also love the scene where she does the dance

He failed to bring back the sampo.


Alright, I'm going to be original here and say that my favorite part is the sequence where Winnie and Jesse are running and playing through the forest and the meadow. They just seem to be enjoying themselves with such careless abandon. I find it so inspiring that I have the urge to write about something like it. I would also love to do it as a date some day.

"To love another person is to see the face of God"


I love the part where Miles and Jesse are trying to save Mae and they get shot and they don't die. I think that is really funny! Oh yeah and the final good bye is really sweet. I really love Miles story about his Wife and kids! He's REALLY good in that part!



My favorite scene is when Tuck takes Winnie out on the lake and explains why she can't tell anyone. Something about when he says "We just... are." Something about his voice and the way he says that just hits me and I understand Winnie's choice not to drink the water.


I loved the whole movie, it's hard to pick a favorite. But the parts I enjoyed the most were probably Miles' narration of the past, the "love you till I die" scene, and when Jesse returns to only see Winnie's grave. Though, when he saw her grave, I just burst into tears and felt so bad for him. Meh. I'm a sucker for love stories.


My favourite scene is Jesse by Winnie's grave and I also love the scene where they're running over the meadow. That one is so full of life and joy.


You can go to hell, hell, hell!


Probably the part where they first kiss, because Miles story is so heart wrenchingly sad.

JASPER HALE <3 Nothing like a bit of southern comfort . . . ;)


- My favorite scene is the Jailbreak Scene. :)

"Come out and meet your doom! Hell is upon you!"

- Oh, and the First Swim Scene.

"So, you're afraid you'll drown, right? Swallow too much water, sink to the bottom, and DIE!"
"Thank you for putting it so vividly, and YES, considering I'd sink like a rock, drowning is a fair concern!"

- Jesse Tuck is the cutest thing ever. <3


Gah, I have so many! I do love this movie.

1) Miles' story. So, so sad, and the way he tells it is so heartbreaking. Always makes me tear up. Especially when he talks about his children dying, and then his wife dying "old, and alone." The music during this part was gorgeous and sad too.

2)Winnie's talk with Tuck. Poignant, and he's so fatherly and amazing.

3) Winnie and Jesse - I loved seeing them frolicking in the field and with the fawn. They looked so happy together. And his cheesy but sweet "I will love you until the day I die!" line and that amazing shot of Winnie standing in the rain, watching them go.

4) For some reason, I really liked Winnie's talk with her mother, where her mother tells her "Every time I look at you, you're different." It tied in well with what Tuck was saying, and the fact that Winnie was on the cusp of growing up and changing.

5) The end. Bittersweet, but I thought it was perfect. She made the right choice.

"And then he started cheating...especially at magnetic travel scrabble."


The "jailbreak" scene of Jesse and Winnie playing in the countryside, running through the meadow and swimming in the waterfall. And I also loved when Tuck took Winnie out in his boat and explained to her about life/death. Really a moment that got me thinking.

