MovieChat Forums > Spun (2003) Discussion > how did u find out about this movie

how did u find out about this movie

i never saw any promtion for this movie when it was in the movie theater

but after that i was walking down the street and saw a poster of it out side a video store it looked good so i rented it

so how did u find out about this movie


it was in HMV for $10 over here (Australia). I read the back, and instantly wanted it.



liked what jonas akerlund did for the smashing pumpkins video "Try, Try, Try"
(thats how i found it)


3 for 2 in Woolworths lol... it was my free one .. yee ha!

How do you think he rides the bike? John Bender


i downloaded a movie that ended up being Spun... so i kinda saw this by accident and i'm really glad i did... i love it

"I'm much more comfortable criticizing people behind their backs." George Costanza


My cousin brought this movie over and it rocked! So, I went and bought it off the net since I couldn't find it anywhere locally.


my buddy who loves drugs and i got a half eigth of some decent weed smoked it and he told me he saw part of this movie spun with schwatzman as a meth addict and rourke as the guy who makes it and asked if i wanted to rent it so i said hell yes


I saw it on tv! on showcase "television without borders"


one name, Brittany Murphy :)

"Hell's waking up every goddamn day and not even knowing why you're here." - Marv


My friend has it on DVD

We're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. -Tyler Durden [Fight Club]


I was at a mates place who's got a primo HT setup...we were pissed and stoned when he put it on...I was absolutely spellbound during the first 10 minutes expecting the worst for Ross because of Spider Mike's demeanour....I can never forget how this movie captured me. Spun is my favourite movie and Number Of The Beast is in my top 5 songs.

I've never had a similar experience since and I'll never forget the first time I saw Spun.


Saw it when it was released in the theater in NYC (3/03).


saw it in blockbuster

I thought to myself "Brittany Murphy is in a movie about meth?"

And being the junkie I am

I had to see it
