Rate the 3 best drug-induced movies (other than ones to do with weed) in your favourite order. Mine would have to be: 1) Spun 2) Requiem For A Dream 3) Trainspotting
I only put these movies in the same class because they all show very real consequences of drug-addiction/drug-taking, and all have excellent casts. Feel free to say otherwise...
",,"Pour my life into a paper cup Ashtray's full & I'm spillin my guts",,"
Totally, I probably relate to it more since I'm a recovering heroin/oxy/methadone addict (basically any opiate I could find.) Thank goodness subutext is becoming a common practice.
Spun is at about 70000 in my list because it is such a terrible requiem rip off, mtv crap, such a bad bad film not worth watching, unless you're a moron.
How is spun ripped off from requiem for a dream? seriously i dont see it.. so elaborate on your comment, please.
Story differs, the point of the story differs, one is serious about the self destruction that can be created by drugs, whilest the other shows the same but from a different stand point (i.e. spun offers more humour whilst telling its story, whilest requiem of a dream is jusr always dead serious..).
I can understand how you can find the movie terrible, its not for everyones taste, but dont go making claims without explaining yourselve.
In no particular order, the following "drug movies" are better than Spun (I liked Spun, but wasn't overwhelmed). - Trainspotting - Drugstore Cowboy - Barfly (yes, alcohol's a drug) - Requiem for a Dream - Pineapple Express
ive experienced different drugs and its very safe to say that pot is nothing. it really isnt. its not addictive at all and it doesnt harm you on any kind of level that other drugs do. so you either have a similar experience and can understand where im coming from or havent experienced anything at all which alters the validity of your response.
Ohhh I see. The "voice of experience" speaks. Well considering that I am in my 40s and first smoked weed when I was 11 years old, and was clearly addicted by the age of 14, I would say that I have some experience in this arena. So I actually do not fall into either category of which you speak. I think experiencing, and becoming dependent upon, different drugs are two totally different things. I have been addicted to a few substances - among them, meth - and for ME and I do mean that in a PERSONAL way, marijuana was the HARDEST to quit using. After 13 years of being clean from everything else, I still struggle with pot addiction. Every time I think I can control it and try using it again in a purely recreational way, I wind up in a tailspin once more. When I smoke weed, I take chances with safety, I spend money I do not have, I make rash and sometimes foolish decisions, I base my life choices around whether I can smoke and stay stoned or not ... And I WASTE a lot of time just getting high, scoring weed, getting high again, playing with my paraphernalia, getting high again, stressing because my supply is getting low, getting high again, jonesing when I even start to run out, scoring more weed, getting high ... and so forth. Okay? Just my experiences, but just as you base your opinion on yours, I base my opinion on mine.
~~~~~~~~~~Say "what" again. Say "what" again! I dare you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
lol. i know what you mean, i used to smoke weed everyday and wasted a lot of money on it, too. But it was never a physical thing and im sure you know very well that if you had to you can go weeks without smoking weed and not feel any withdrawal symptoms at all. Dependence on weed is only a psychological thing. But if you've done things as meth and say that weed was the hardest to quit, honestly, man id like to know what kind of grass it was that you were smoking
Sorry but again I must disagree. I know that for me personally and other people who attend MA meeting, there is a physical dependence as well. I get the "dope-sick" feeling, feel tired and cranky, headaches and stomach upsets, when I am "kicking weed" ... as well as intense cravings and downright depression. Like I said, everyone has different experiences.
~~~~~~~~~~Say "what" again. Say "what" again! I dare you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
no one mentioned my all time favorite film..."Domino" from 2005 starring Keira Knightley and Mickey Rourke. Directed by Tony Scott. That film's drug was Mescaline.
oh yeah i forgot about basketball diaries and domino. but domino was mostly about other things, i would call it the central theme of the movie. and i hated the screen adaptation of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas because it didn't compare with the book at all.
How can you crap on someone for using "the voice of experience" and then turn around and use your own experience as counter to another person's? Do you not see how that is utterly hypocritical?
I've been smoking weed at the same ages as you and I've never seen anyone go though physical withdrawal, and since you've been on meth (I was a heroin/oxy addict), you should know that the withdrawal pain becomes your #1 motivator. Cannabis doesn't do that. YOU may do stupid things on cannabis, YOU are the one who has issues with letting it take over your life.
Also, I don't buy for one second that you could have been a hard meth addict and tell anyone that weed is harder to quit. If you didn't put so much into your posts I'd be sure you're trolling...My guess is you had a short spurt of addiction or maybe even just a high usage/binge, got scared, and now you have no problems acting the expert.
Feel free to throw personal experience aside and let's speak about the science behind it :)....But that requires opening-up to the possibility of being wrong. If you aren't already.
I was a needle junkie off and on for 20 years. So yeah, I was a hard meth user. And yet, when I quit for good, I had no trouble not going back to it. Because it was so devastating and so obviously destroyed my life on all levels. And the withdrawal was horrible, who would want to go through that ever again?
Marijuana was more difficult, in the long term, to quit and STAY QUIT. To this day, I have issues with wanting to use it. Part of that is the whole thinking line of "it's just pot. At least it's not putting a needle in my arm." Even though I know better.
That is why I say that it's been more difficult for me. Among other reasons that I am too tired at the moment to list ...
I am also a substance abuse counselor at this point in my life. Working with hundreds of people a week with addiction issues. Believe it or not the potheads are the toughest ones because of the justification, minimization, and general attitude of "it's just pot ..." that is pervasive. And the hard-core addiction that often is behind all of that. I wonder if you yourself are a pothead and that is some of the reason behind your anger at me?
its not anger persay, but weed you are right is very easy to just say the its harmless. The others will ensnare your. I know it was made in jest but do you remember from half baked where dave is at an aa meeting and he says he is addicted to pot and danny tanner stands up and says have you ever blown a guy for pot? Perspective
I'll be another person to be "responding to an OLD post." I highly doubt that you're a substance abuse counselor openly admitting on the internet that you still struggle with 'addiction' to marijuana. To be honest I think everything you've written is *beep*
LMFAO at all of you pretending that pot can't be addictive enough to cause real issues...I'm pro-legalization, but I've seen people have problems with it...it really depends on the person. So many people also let their life completely revolve around pot. It's a far cry from heroin or even alcohol addiction, but it seems about on par with nicotine addiction for certain types of people. I don't personally care for it, but I don't judge people who enjoy it. Just some people really can't responsibly handle pot just like some people really can't responsibly handle alcohol. --- Reality is subjective.
Finally someone with some sense has responded to this! I gave up the argument long ago on this one ... potheads are determined to have their smoke with a side order of ignorance, apparently.
You are very right to compare it to nicotine addiction, and yes I agree that it has it's place in the medical world... but like many medications, there is also a potential for abuse and dependence.
I agree. I work with young people (not in a drug-related field) and I find the hardest nuts to crack in terms of being able to move forward in their lives are people using marijuana, whether they'd consider themselves addicted or not. I agree that this is due to the all-pervasive culture built around the drug, that it's natural and harmless. People can't even see or acknowledge the effects it's having on them!
ive experienced different drugs and its very safe to say that pot is nothing. it really isnt. its not addictive at all and it doesnt harm you on any kind of level that other drugs do. so you either have a similar experience and can understand where im coming from or havent experienced anything at all which alters the validity of your response.
It's still a drug dude.
The definition of a drug is "any substance other than food, that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body". So yeah, totally drug. A fairly harmless one sure but a drug none the less.
I totally see where you're coming from, I myself have dabbled a bit with drugs for some time now. But by definition it's a drug.
"The definition of a drug is "any substance other than food, that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body"
No it isnt. Whose definition is that? It sounds like a definition thought up ion 2 minutes by someone who dosent know much about drugs. The tongue bit is too specific . What about food that has drugs in it?, eg coffee.
Or any other drug type with any other drug type. Sure, talk about shrooms and LSD or meth and speed but not shrooms and speed. Totally different things. Still drugs though.