Maaan she is getting inSUFFERABLE.
Give me a Pepsi Free.
Insufferable? Nah. She definitely was annoying in the first 2 seasons though with her odd sense of entitlement over Clark. She definitely improves from there as the series goes on, and winds up being a well rounded character with a good arc actually.
Oh and Season 8. OH MY GOD the character assassination...
Felicity from Arrow. THAT is insufferable. I can't think of another recent series where a character dragged down everything around them to such an extent as Felicity and her baggage/mom does to Arrow.
I couldn't disagree with you more. I liked Chloe and the thing about Chloe that made me like her a lot more than a lot of other IT characters in TV shows like Felicity (Arrow), Marshall (Alias) and Chloe (24) was she was brave and courageous and didn't let anybody intimidate her or get in her way.
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I found her to be very...sufferable? I like the character more with each season.